
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/07 08:18:33
复变函数 1) 函数f(z)=zRez 的导数是0 为什么?2)(e的 i 次方)的 i 次方=? 复变函数 f(z)=3z^2+i怎么求导 which coat would you like to take the one ( )the green one?-which coat would you like to take the one ( )the green one?--i prefer the green one ( )the red one.A、or;than B\or;to c\and;rather than D\and;to COVER中文是什么意思? I can see a kite on the wall.(改为一般疑问句) good的oo发什么音 I can see the cat on the wall.(改为1般疑问句) room的oo发的是什么音 kangaroo什么意思 _There are still a few bananas .would you like to have ( )one?A.the other B.other C.others D.another Water英文翻译? wear one's hearts on one's sleeves是什么意思? pull one's hair out 请高手给下列词语注音 有点难度 只需注给括号内的注音(要注明是几声) 言 铁骨铮 反 仓造字 残碑断 车 越 熏陶染 不容发 口 田 花 草 let one's hair down 这个词中,“挑”读几声?挑( )理? get in one's “喂” 这个词读几声?接电话时,北京人读几声?香港人和台湾人呢? 《进击的巨人》里的巨人到底是什么?是怎样产生的? 求这个词的意思,注音 “订正”这个词的注音是什么RT如题 改同义句 :He doesn't wear glasses any more.He _ _ _glasses. He doesn't wear glasses any more.⑶仿写:①_________________②________________③__________________ he doesn't wear glasses any more.(变为同义句)he____ _____ wears glasses he doesn't wear glasses any more.他不再戴眼镜了 同义句:he ____ ____ ____ glasses. 一千零一夜的读后感, 一千零一夜读后感一千零一夜中的智多星宰相读后感 he has short straight hair and he doesnt wear glasses ang more but some people dont like his new The rock singer has a new l____.He wears glasses and he has long hair now 填空题:The rock singer has a new i____.He wears glasses and he has long hair now. 急求一千零一夜里辛巴达历险记英文版要英文版的 一千零一夜(天方夜谭)英文版问题?《一千零一夜》乔纳森·斯科特版翻译的怎么样.会不会不适合现代人阅读?Jonathan Scott