
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/03 08:08:11
you make your point very 英语题(正确)一.用所给动词的适当形式填空1.When I _________(walk) in the street,I happened ______(meet) my former class teacher.2.Neither of the two boys ______(enjoy) watching western films.二.改写句子1.Household appliances 根据句意以及开头补全单词1.my h____ is to get up early every morning2.lots of young people like listening to pop m____ ,but don't like films.3.it's my h_______ to get up early in the morning 根据句意,用wear ,put on ,dress 或in 的适 The students were ________at the ________lessons.A.bored...bored B.bored...boring C.boring...boring D.boring...bored I think we should have our teeth checked by a___ at least twice a year速度. 大连的海是黄海吗? 山东蓝海,黄海指什么? Have you ever been to the square () was built last year?A whichB whereC whenD what为什么选它?翻译? Have you ever been to the square ___ was built last year?A、which B、 where C、when D、what第1题 Have you ever been to the square ___ was built last year?A、which B、 where C、when D、what 第2题 I don’t know the room ___.A、in which do add过去式,过去分词,进行时 都是什么 填空:My friend likes ____(sport) shoes very much. 谁可以给我一个市场调查问卷表的样本?主要强调实地调查方法的运用 Who would like to go fishing with me Ishall would may with 不是说小河汇入大海,那大海的水流向哪里阿? 小河与大海阅读小河与大海(17分)秋天,河水上涨,河面变得宽阔了.小河觉得天底下只有自己最大了.他得意洋洋地流向大海,想和大海比一比谁大.小河这样一边得意地想着,一边走着,别提多高 《小河与大海》告诉我们什么道理 你要运动用的包还是上学用的包 Do you ___ bags ___ sports ___ school? have gone与have been away的区别 Do you find English spelling easy or difficult?英译汉 Do you need bags____ sports ____school? A.for,at B.for, or C.of, in D.of, at Can you think of some solutions _____the big problem A.of B.in C.to D.with 这个该怎么选啊? I frequently come up with ideas/solutions out of nowhere.这句话啥意思?…… The boy can always come up with good solutions to the problems.come up with 为什么是原形? He always _____(come up with) good solutions to his friend's problem.答案是comes up with为什么不是coming up with,不是有一个词组是always doing have been in的用法和意思是什么 这个花园里有很多盆景,还有池塘,亭子 用英语怎么说 the more he tried to please her,( )she seemed to appreciate it.a:less b:lesser c:the lessd:the lesser 北京市海淀区羊坊店路皇亭子 用英语怎么说?同上. He tried to____his daughter of the danger of spending more than she earnedA.remember B.warnC.mind D.suggest答案应该选B,为什么其他三个不能选?请说明原因, 亭子,小亭子,用英语怎么说? 十全十美的具体内容就是"十全"包括哪些,"十美"又指什么? The more he tried to please her,_____she seemed to appreciate it.A.less B.lesser C.the less D.the lesser