
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 20:04:06
I couldn't find my pen anywhere什么意思? 为什么分母不能为0分分子为0 did you see my _____ pen i couldn't find it anywhere.在横线上填一个以l开头,以t结尾的单词 I couldn't find my pen.I l______ it I can not find my pen anywhere anywhere 可以换成哪两个词啊? "祖国在我心中"手抄报该写什么内容? 祖国在我心中手抄报的内容该怎么写?要很短的! x+2/x²-4=( )/2-x 分式 填空 一辆汽车从甲城开往乙城,第一小时行了全程的2/7,第二小时行了全程的8/15.第三小时比第一小时多行8千米.甲乙两城之间的路程是多少千米?还有一道:加工一批零件,甲单独需要15天,乙单独加 Traffic police usually give me a ticket if I park my car in the wrong place.的否定句. if you park your car in the wrong place 句子结构这个是主谓宾结构吧,那in the wrong place做的是什么成分,还有if是什么成分 财政赤字数是什么意思?通货膨胀是什么意思 if you park your car in the right place you won't receive a ticketif you park your car in the right place you won't receive a ticket.为什么这里用won't而不用wouldn't? If you park your car in the wrong place,a traffic policeman will soon find it为什么用the wrong place.而不用 a wrong place. if you park your car in the wrong place ,the traffic policeman will soon find .这句话是否存在错误?这句是否符合省略宾语的语法,望细甄别! 甲、乙两地相距240千米,一辆汽车第一小时行了全程的3分之1,第二小时行了全程的4分之一,这辆汽车的前两个小时共行驶了多少千米?(我要算式明确,要简算得!) they tried hard to repair the damaged cartried是过去式的需要.那damaged加d是什么. I spent almost two hours on the phone yesterday.I tried to find a garage to repair my carsentence with "to opener" I tried hard ,but I couldn't find the ( )to the problemA solution B help C reply D demand I could just see a car in the distance,but I couldn’t ( ) what color it was.1.look to 2.look out 3.make out 4.take in原因写详细点,劳驾各位了.我还有很多问题没人答,麻烦高手也去看看, 一辆汽车从甲地开往乙地第一小时行了全程的4分之1,第二小时行了全程的3分之1,这时超过中点50米甲乙两地相距多少千米? 一道英语猜谜题第一题在横线上填入单词.在这三个单词中选:cake,biscuits,pancakes1.First,mix the suger and the butter together.2.Secondly,add the flour and salt to the mixture.3.Next,roll out the mixture and cut them into large 谜语打一字,帮我猜下~一边绿一边红,一边喜雨一边喜风,喜风的怕雨,喜雨的怕虫 一边是红,一边是绿,一边喜风,一边喜雨.猜一字谜,是什么字? I couldn't find my dictionary ______.A.somewhere B.anywhere C.nowhere D.where i couldn't find my book everywhere/anywhere 一道英语猜谜题Ten plus ten is ten.Ten minus ten is ten.打一日常用品. 出租房开发票几个税点?1、以公司名字租房,但是是用于员工住宿,开发票的话几个税点?2、开发票都需要什么?备注:如果有知道乌鲁木齐的就更好了! 南方和北方的太阳能安装方位 为什么这样安装 红星小学的电话号码很有趣,它是七位数,前三位数字相同,后四位数字也相同,把这些数字加起来,恰好等于左起第三、四位组成的两位数.这个电话号码是多少 汽车制造厂第一车间女工人数比男工少3/1,男工人数与女工人数的比是(),女工人数与全车间人数的比是(),男工人数占全车间人数的()%. 问几道猜谜语一样的题目...1.你能说出下列谜语表示的中国省会城市的名称吗?千里戈壁( ) 船出长江口( ) 两个胖子( )双喜临门( ) 久雨出晴( ) 银河渡口( )2.唐、松时称为“吐