
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 02:37:38
how was the place different from your hometown 翻译 英语翻译还有In the north,the winters are long and hard,WHILE the west coast of Canada is a fairly warm place in winter.里的while 是怎么个用法 my hometown is far from the city 翻译 do you think so和are you think so 那个语法错了? Their classroom is in Building C.对C划线部分提问..We can play football in the playground.改为祈使句 You do not think so 哪位进来瞧瞧,数学题不会啊,郁闷.某是初中生人数是居民人数的10分之1,高中生的人数是初中生人数的5分之2,中专人数是高中生人数的4分之3,大学生人数是中专人数的8分之1,那么大学生人 ..苦恼中...设f(x)是定义在R上的奇函数,当x大于0时,f(x)=xx+x+1 (x的平方+x+1)当x小于0时 求f(x)的解 do you think this和do you think so的区别 Peter can (play football) in the playground.(对括号部份提问) ____ _____Peter____in the playground? Choose the best topic from A to F according to the meaning of the passage. 写数学题时烦躁.怎么办写久了、特别是自己不懂的时候.就特烦.想哭去.怎么办 郁闷的数学题.有一首古诗:“鸡鸭共一篮,鸡为鸭之斗,八鸭展翅飞,六鸡在下蛋,再点鸡鸭数,鸭为鸡三倍,请你算一算,鸡鸭各多少?”你知道答案吗? What do you think?与What do you think so?有什么区别 人教版六年级数学下册111页例2问题2、3怎么回答?急 i have holes on the top and botton.and i have holes in the middle,yet i still hold water.i have hol My jeans have holes in them.(保持原句意思) ( ) I have got a coin in my right hand and a ticket in my _____ hand.A.other B.the other C.another D.others 要原因 The next time______________(他来这儿),I may have left and worked in Beijing.完成句子,请问应该怎么填?给定的词是come It is the ( ) (lead) class in our country.用正确形式填空 用 连……都不…… 造句 造句 即使什么只要什么还什么 Why do you think so?Oh, xxx, why do you think so? why do you think (so)对吗 why do you think so 的同义句是什么啊, why do you think so little missy? AAABBBABABABABBBBBBAAAAA猜一英语口头常用语.脑筋急转弯 请猜猜这条裙子是谁的?(这句话的英文是什么) 连……都不造句 tell me why you think so还是tell me why do you think so那种翻译更好? interview什么意思 interview是什么意思