
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 21:13:39
在句子中似乎有什么作用 Yette Nini 这个英文名字好吗?怎么读?Yette Nini 这个英文名字好吗?前面的那个单词怎么读?? 英文名Lily 和Nini哪个好?我已经选好名字了,就叫Nina,各位帮我看看好不好 解释此命令:iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -s -j DROP i don't have a brother ___ a sister A.and B.or C.with D.but 请问是选哪个选项?个人认为是选D,翻译为“我没有兄弟但是我有一个姐妹”.家人认为是选择A,翻译为“我没有一个兄弟和一个姐妹".个人认为重 1、逐条解释下列nat规则表的每一条规则.简单点就行了,能说多少就说多少.1、逐条解释下列nat规则表的每一条规则.*nat:PREROUTING ACCEPT [735:68109]:POSTROUTING ACCEPT [157:11021]:OUTPUT ACCEPT [146:10385]-A PREROU 节能灯哪个品牌好 what are the difference between a map and a plan --________you see the sign over there?--Sorry,I can't A.Can't B.Can 选什么?为什么?我认为选择 B CAN 可很多人说A , see cannot the sign there you over ) 日本樱花是代表什么含义? 第二周期非金属元素有哪些 男人最大优点? she called me the following morning为什么不是 in the following morning? Mary was out whem I called her. She wamtsher daughter to be a nures.Jim practise playimg the guitar yesterday. 加标题两个句子该否定句 一般疑问句 做肯否回答 My sister and brother have two toys.改一般疑问句我觉得改为:Do your sister and brother have two toys?更妥,有没有Have your sister and brother two toys?的改法? My sister and brother have two toys.改成一般疑问句怎么改并给出肯定回答 鲁科版高中物理用什么练习册好志鸿优化设计更好还是志鸿导学大课堂好.二级达标校用 最好把您的理由说出来! 高中物理练习册哪本好? 高中物理最好用的练习册有哪些? ——What does the sign over there read?——No person ? smoke or carry a lighted cigarette,cigar or pipe in this area.A.will B.may C.shall D.must What does the sign over there read?no person( ) smoke or carry a lighted cigarette in this areaa:will b:shall c:may d:must 求推荐一本题比较少的高中物理练习册 You _(keep) the book for two weeks,and you'd better return it to the librar how long the book can be kept (for) 要不要加for 什么情how long the book can be kept (for) 要不要加for 什么情况下要加for呢? Only when my son comes back( )go to bed and have a good sleepA.can I B.I can C.do I D.I will how long can l the book?you must return ithow long can l the book?you must return it to me by next Sunday.A.borrow B.keep C.lend D.buy 洛神赋赏析 (洛神赋)全文及赏析 洛神赋赏析的文章要的是鉴赏方面的文章,不只是原文和翻译,救急用的啊