
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 09:57:51
关于硫化物硫与其他物质的反应规律是什么?如Al2S3和FeS,能通过单质与单质化合直接得到么?可以通过复分解得到么? 氢氧化铬在强氧化剂条件下是否会氧化成六价铬 ()is left over may be put into the refrigerator,where it will keep for 2-3 weeks.求详解选哪一个A.Whatever B.Anything C.something D.Whichever 用造几个句子1.be close to 2.think of 3.end up 4.agree with in summer,food left over must be put into the refrigeration___ it will stay fresh for a few days.A when B whichCthat D where 我是高中的,想知道各种常见硫化物的颜色,麻烦系统全面一点!如:FeS、CuS黑色其他的呢?比如铝的、锌的等等我有急用, 硫化物的反应历程是什么? put...into和all over the wold的中文意思? agree with what 造句 help each other英语怎么读 ---speak French very well.A.These both studentsB.Both of theyC.Both of studentsD.Both these students He can speak French very ____ .A.good B.sorry C.well D.nice commitment regime 怎么翻译啊? I understand you have studied French,and you can speak it very wellA.that 不填 B.不填 thatC.不填 不填D.how that选B,为什么? may the force be with you用中文怎么说啊 英语翻译例如:Attachment/affective commitment refers toan emotional bond and sense of belonging(Delgado-Ba Hester and Munuera-Aleman,2001)and has been viewed as a prerequisite forcustomer loyalty to occur (Dick and Basu,1994 —cited in Bloeme 2.他的德语和法语讲的一样好 He can speak German____ ____ ____ French. 英语翻译要完整版本的`!歌词如下:OooohI feel these four walls closing inFace up against the glassI'm looking out,hmmmIs this my life I'm wonderingIt happened so fastHow do I turn this thing aroundIs this the bed I chose to makeIt's greene 英语翻译 请帮忙翻译,wild man.全句是we cant use my car because I was in an accident with this wild man dricing this BMW,so I have already checked the bus schedule.请帮忙翻译全句,谢谢! Maria found a purse _(lie)on the ground 如何填?和find用法, 小学五年级关于承诺的(Commitment)的英语作文!大概200字,小学五年级关于承诺的(Commitment)的英语作文!大概200字, 英语语法:promise、obligation、commitment 请总结这3者之间的区别 live 的几种形式与用法,比如lived,lives,was living,will live,要中考了,求大蛇解答 smart clever wise bright和 intelligent当聪明讲时有什么区别 wild wild web链接要可以用的 空间里面的 1.bright; clever; intelligent; wise “请说”用英语说是"Please say"还是“Please speak" famous的相关词组及意思 Please speak English You have a charming smil意思是 来解释下这个短语及其相关的有关词组IN CHARGE各位哈,如果查字典更能解决问题的话,我--还会问吗? How the fuck do you not go to die