
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 01:43:12
He is___his bike along the streetA.discovering B.finding C.finding out D.looking for The other day I was riding my bicycle along a street in the rush hour 开头的完形填空RT I looked out of the window and saw Tim on his bike cycling along the road.on his bike请教这里为什么用on 有没有具体的例子呢, 爱心再现,意乱情迷.佳人初见, 如此秀色可餐,怎会意乱情迷?矛盾嘛. 意乱情迷? (11)This flower doesn't do well in soil other than the one_____ it has been specially developed.A.For which B.That C.Of which D.Where为什么选A? 吃什么食物可以很快补充体内缺乏的钾离子?吃什么食物可以很快补充流失的钾离子? 英语翻译1,有些款项在2005年2月到3月期间被重复地借记、贷记,导致我贷方余额经常变动.2,对帐单将由我们两家银行每月寄送,收到对帐单后15天内,接收行应核对帐户余额,并且指出可能出现的 英语翻译请不要用谷歌百度有道什么翻译,We owe your name and address to the Commercial Counselor's Office of the Chinese Embassy in Malaysia,from whom we learn that you are in the market for textiles.We avail ourselves of this opportun 英语高手进!帮我翻译一篇英语信.Soonjay: I know you can't stand one more English expression,But I think as one of my friends,you should accept my way of communication.I'm not good at express myself directly,really! So this moment,I'd say I know I can't hold you,but I can't hold me too!why?why?why?I was crazy,I lose control……请问这两段的意思是什么? 英语翻译Thanks for your kindly e-mail.Glad to talk to you by MSN.But still something is open to the deal.We know that the price is a big issue for an order,as we negotiated many many times.As now you suggest the price USD22.8 for DivX.Again I hav said i wouldn't call but i lost all control and i need you know求翻译 今天我听到有人说扯淡, 对话中对方会出现这个词 最近老听这个词, long a you are going holiday to mark连词成句 如果a,b都是自然数,且a,b不等于零,那么a除以5=?/?a除以b=?/?1/a除以5=?/?1/a除以b=?/? a=? b=? 雪花由什么组成 雪花是由什么组成的? “放屁”为什么是一个骂人的词? 请问“扯淡”是骂人的词汇吗? 聊聊骂人歌曲MP3地址?鹿港集团中央厨房王军提供? 有什么好的骂人话,麻烦大家告诉下 I have a cup of tea yesterday evening同义句转换we enjoyed ourselves同义句转换 用postcards,talked,they,about,yesterday,the,mark,form怎样连成句子? they were swimming in the swimming-pool form 8 to 10 yesterday(改成一般疑问句) "a sort of"翻译 能翻译一下这句话吗?特别是of a sort 应该怎么翻.Even in the frigid darkness of the deep coean it seems there may be weather and seasons of a sort. 英语翻译敬启者:12月20日来函收到,获悉贵方有意在贵国推销我们的自行车.对此,我们非常感兴趣.对贵方为推销我方自行车所作的努力我们甚为感激.但是,对你们要求见票后60天承兑交单付款