
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 03:18:07
树叶为什么是绿色的而不是其他颜色 olive oil是什么 olive oil 怎么读 what kind of race do the children compete in 其中 do 在句中的作用? 虎克当时发现的细胞是细胞的()1细胞膜2.细胞壁3.细胞质4.细胞核 列文虎克可观察到的是什么细胞 后会无期插曲where will we go?the end求资源就是陈柏霖在酒店把假警察手夹了,冯绍峰腿麻了,王珞丹从窗户出来走着那段背景音乐 单方精油(100%纯精油)保质期多长时间我买了薰衣草和茶树的单方精油(100%纯的),一直保存很好,平时也不常用(偶尔想起来时才用).到现在已经四五年了,保质期说是使用期限到09年(那 括号内恰当形式填空 what time do you do ______(one)after school快到底是什么? 英语翻译我的理解是:当他不在乎我的时候却偷走了我的心,这对我公平吗?但是句中怎么不是 for me,而是for her,我觉得应该是:Does that seem fair for me to teal my heart away .这是首英语歌曲中的一句 全 请问"For her to steal my heart away when she don't care" 这句话为什么用“don't",而不用"doesn't"? What kind of school do you study in怎么回答 she hopes that you can help her she wishes you ______ ______ her "an English teacher"是什么意思啊是“一位英语老师”还是“一位英国的老师” an English. And an English teacher是什么意思? 选择题He works hard at English_______ he can be an English teacher in futureA.such thatB.in order toC.so that D.so as to会的给讲下理由哈! dont pick the flowers,Tom回答 5 He told me that he had no choice but ____ (stay) at home.需要详细理由 He told me__you did things.A that B what C / D A and C我老师说D 不对 1.Do you know who invented the telephone?为什么不需要the2.Lisa's mother bought her a______dress for the Christmas party.1.beautiful red pink Chinese2.beautiful pink Chinese silk请说明原因,O(∩_∩)O谢谢 英语翻译louly tall young thin up thrn high right black 帮我把它们的英语反义词写出来~ 中英互译还有些反义词入睡 害怕 be bad for big(反义词)night(反义词)rain(形容词)run(现在分词)tooth(复数)two(同音词)funny(反义词)by(同音词) 事实上 谈论 离.近得多 in a specisl wa You should let him read books rather than playing computer games.这里用rather than可以吗?Let's go hiking rather than staying at home.这里用rather than可以吗?如果用rather than,stay要加ing吗如果用rather than,也stay也可以用ing ___ several times,but he still doesn't know how to use the cleaner.a.Having been shown b.I have shown him 为什么用B不用A 但是儒林外史中第一篇文章就是王冕学画,又怎么是世说新语? 试述《聊斋志异》《儒林外史》在批判科举制度上的异同.请各位高手积极贡献智慧,在下定高分重谢! It's my turn to tell you a story.这句话怎么翻译 求《辞海》中《红楼梦》、《聊斋志异》、《儒林外史》的条目 深圳的八月,将热闹非凡.改为夸张句.急.现在就要用 古诗 山行 告诉我们什么道理或启示? 《山行》中含有哪几个数字 用哲学解释一下“明知山有虎,偏向虎山行”所蕴含的哲理!