
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 13:32:44
求新概念英语1中的Can you do this test?百度里搜出来的不全,谁能给个全部的答案啊,题例如:Look at this:阅读以下例句:I am tried.He is tired.White these again.Begin each sentence with He.改写下面的句子,用He作 新概念英语1 Can you do this test?VII Look at this:阅读以下例句:He is sitting in an armchair.QUESTION:Is he sitting in a armchair?QUESTION:Where is he sitting?NEGATIVE:He isn’t sitting in an armchair.Do these in the same way:模仿例 填空his father___three years ago.when he thought of his father's___he felt vert sad(die) Peter was a small boy.He lived with his parents in a small house near some hills.这篇文章的大概 阅读理解Derek was a little boy.He lived with his parents in a small house in a town.Derek was a little boy.He lived with his parents in a small house in a town.They did not have a big garden.Derek liked animals very much.One day he said to his fa 同义句He lived with his parents in a small house near hills look appear seem区别 这道题为什么选D?2.There _____to have been a house here.A.seems B.looks C.appears D.A and B 不是说look后面不能加不定时吗? APPEAR 和 SEEM 有什么区别 David and Alice are twin brother and sister.They like different things (填空,每个单词首字母给出)David and Alice are twin brother and sister.They like different things.At s____ David likes history.He says he w_____ to read more stories There are two bridges _________the river .A.across B.through C.on D.over He d__ to help his mother with housework when he is free.填词 What do you do with the trouble The little boy always followed his mother when he was young同义句 在业务简介中提到的,Date of last AR这个AR怎么讲? The sum of the date of all Sundays in a month is 85,the date of last Sunday is ( )th look,seem 与appear 的区别 look,seem,appear有什么区别?今天做作业时做到了look,seem和appear的辨析填空,因为有些不清楚,所以想请Q友们帮帮忙, appear,seems,look的区别 请帮我分析下look,seem 与appear 的区别 isn't there our a city in forest连词成句 连词成句 isn`t there our a city in forest He wants some milk and an apple同义句? is、bag、cheap、this,组成一个句子要句子 This book is t___but it's cheap.根据首字母,完成句子. Cheap.long.those.this 写出反义词 look与seem如何区别使用它俩有什么区别?you very happy today the headmaster to know all his students填这俩词,增么填,为什么? somewhere anywhere nowhere everywhere 的区别 everywhere 与anywhere 和somewhere nowhere的区别(详细解说) somewhere ,anywhere,everywhere nowhere这几个单词的用法 情景选择.1、向妈妈介绍李老师时,你可以说:( )A:Miss Li,this is My mon.B;Mon,this is miss Li.2、祝朋友生日快乐时,你可以说:( )A:Happy birthday to you!B:Happy Teacher'sDay!3、想知道表弟的年龄时,你可 this is Miss Lee.(改成一般疑问句) Miss Lee? There are many members in this club.改为同义句 This ruler isnt so long as that one.改为同义句.(2种)