
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 15:53:31
小学海洋教育属于地校课程还是综合实践? ___makes mistakes must correct them Awhat B that C whoever D whatever ( )makes mistakes must correct them. A What B That C whoever D whatever whoever makes mistakes must correct them为什么不用who shirt 什么意思? ( )makes mistakes must correct them.是who还是whoever? 电脑里shirt是什么意思 shirt中文意思是什么 shirt 是什么含义?.请速度回答. shirt的中文意思是. 深圳初中的科学是什么学科我那个时候学的是物理化学.不知道现在的科学是什么学科呢?想做家教.~求解答 she asked the tailer to (short)____ her shirt.如题问题是空格填什么 为什么这么填讲解要稍微详细点 为什么物体、液体受热之后内能增大之后会膨胀?然后固体膨胀之后分子势能为什么会增大?分子距离增大,不应该是势能减小吗,怎么会增大呢.液体又是什么情况呢. 物质受热膨胀,是不是由于分子受热后分子体积变大的缘故? T-shirt(汉语意思) shirt中文是什么 shirt的中文是什么 T-shirt的中文 是什么 常见的氮肥有哪些?它们各自的氮元素的含量 [化学]为什么碳酸铵不是常见的氮肥? 碳酸铵是氮肥么? 某种氮肥中氮氢氧三种元素质量比7:1:12,则这种氮肥可能是( ) xDirections:Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with the help of the first letter(s). 求英语强人~Directions:Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with an appropria2.I have given __ so much of my time to this job that I won't stop now.3.They found that rust had eaten__ at the metal structure.4.The police have sent out a de Directions:Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with an appropriate preposition or adverb43.He cut down coffee and cigarettes,and ate a balanced diet.44.Are you telling me that you'd vote for somebody rags on the television who promised you 商场的自动扶梯由一层到二层匀速上行,两个小孩在行驶的扶梯上上下走动,女孩由下往上走,男孩由上往下走结果女孩走了40级到达二层,男孩走了160级到达一层,如果男孩在单位时间走的扶梯级 请问家家乐超市是家乐福吗?因工作原因急求家家乐超市简介 Let us play a ping-pong together.A.Let us B.a C.ping-pong D.together请问错在哪儿? 改错 There are two pencil-box on the desk Let's play a ping-pong togetherNice too see you again ,Mr SmithThis's my English teacher 求初中四种常见氮肥的氮含量,用字母 下列氮肥中含氮量最高的是?A.(NH4)2SO4 B.NH4NO3 C.NH4HCO3 D.NH4Cl miss liu teaches us chinese等于什么