
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 13:43:00
nobody believe that he can fly 改反义疑问句,快同上 These fences are built out of ____soda cans.A.using B.used C.use 为什么?请赐教. 宝石山是休眠火山吗 the house built of _______was once used as a warehouse答案stone 为嘛不用stones 杭州的地形地貌 哪些由内力作用形成 哪些由外力作用形成 df 的bjd如何?质量好吗? bjd 求问df-h和df-a有什么区别.df和is家的人形师是同一个人吗? BJD DF和RD哪个相对好点啊RT在凌风和Norman纠结中…… I'm On My Own 歌词 the house is built ______wood,A.inB.out of C.as D.at do it on my own 的歌词 On My Own [Live] 歌词 英语翻译3x 甲午中日战争以后,西方列强通过哪些方式来控制清政府的经济命脉?除了通过倾销商品 Gibson中文是什么意思 请翻译a not-to-interfere basis, gibson怎么样 非主流分几种类型 求一篇关于the services in my community的英语作文 1 你所在的小区有什么服务 2小区服务的重要性 3你有什 A flight trip 英语作文六句话1、怎么去哪?(坐飞机去东京)2、在那里待多久?3、arrival time/departure time 4、带了什么?(如相机、书)5、带了什么证件?6、还没准备好什么?(如定酒店)用将来时 once bees detect the nectar,they are attracted to the flower.5046 certain flowers are so advanced that they have adapted themselves to look like female bees.5046 this scent usually indicates the presence of nectar and thus attracts bees to the flower. 5046 什么意思? this scent usually indicates the presence of nectar and thus attracts bees to the flower. 5046 想问一下 attracts bees to the flower.这里的to是方向介词吗?该怎么翻译这个to是attract的宾语补足语吗? Just do what you are told,don't argue with me.书上的翻译是:照我说的去做,别跟我争.是不是应该把“you are”换成“I am”. what you name? Just do it [ ] I told you.A;whatB;asC;likeD;if必须有理由 She's in the top flight of journalists.这句话中flight是什么意思? only to my only marry you 背包应该读一声还是读二声 They_(go)back to the dormitory already.