
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 03:00:51
连词成句:1.can't she clearly friend hear her 2.in the loudly library talk don't ____(not talk) loudly in the library Don't talk loudly in the library.(改为同义句) ___ ___ loudly in the library. Students ( )talk loudly in the library. 用五个词语写一段话!优美,句子多造几句!最好是词语! 选五个词写一段话. 用这五个词写一段话 “护绿小组”给50棵小树刷石灰水.如果平均每棵树的直径是0.1米,共需石灰水多少千克?底下还有补充.(每平方米需石灰水1.4千克) I’m sure that he will be back in ____.A.a day or two B.one day or two C.a or two days D.one or two day选哪个?为什么? In ten years,I think I'll be a reporter.I'll live in Shanghai,because I went to Shanghai last year八年级下册英语第一单元3a 提五个问 I will live in{ Shanghai} in ten years.画括号的那个提问 they ____live in shanghai for two years 怎么写 抗日战争较大的战役是八路军打赢的多还是国民党打赢的多 You must look for c---to speak English中间填什么?You should not be shy of m--miseakes 填什么? english,must fast!How are we going to get there?=How do we go to there?We are going to get there by plane.=We go to there by plane.Is this right? 常看到道路两排树的底部涂上白色的东西,是什么? 树上图的白色东西是什么 为什么公路两旁的树刷上白色? 最近杭州的马路上飘着狠多白色的东西,像棉花,狠多路上都有,我想知道那是什么花或者树 在一个盒子里装入12个大小相同的红,黄,蓝不同颜色的球,使得摸出一个红球的可能性是六分之一, Would you like leave or would you like to stay?为什么不是这样would you like leave or to stay 盒子里有大小相同的20个红、黄两种球.任意摸出一个球,要使摸到红球的可能性是5分之2,盒子里应放( )红球? To you,I would like to change.丶 I'm fed up with wearing the same hairstyle and would like a change 改为同义句 在抗日战争时期,中国共产党领导的军队为什么要分八路军和新四军? 亮剑中的八路军好厉害,国民党好差劲.请问当时国民党到底有没有配合共产党军队抗战? 最喜欢和朋友分享的是这个中国人绝对不会问的问题:中国的树为什么长在马路边上.这是一个法国外交官问笔者的问题,至今仍没有标准答案. 北京马路边上大多是什么树? I want to shanghai last year and visited lots of places.(用next year该写句子)I ______ ______ to shanghai next year and _____ lots of places I lived in shanghai last 形容形象高大气势雄伟豪迈的成语. 描写春天景色的四个字的词语