
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 19:01:29
美好的记忆应该是什么颜色的?如果是甜蜜的呢? 记忆环是什么样子的 你记忆中的夏天是什么样子的呢? 夏天,在你的记忆里是什么样子的 I am lucky _the thing I enjoy doing more is _I have ended up doing 人别填什么 是that还是what谢谢 I.feel.so.lucky.that.out.of.all.the.men.that.i.could.have.ment.i.found.you Mobile phones used tobe very expensive.转换句型2.Mobile phones used tobe very expensive.Mobile phones _as expensive as they_ _ be. Mr Hu always play games with us改错顺便帮我弄一篇英语作文写你和朋友喜欢的Food,Sports和months(三个都要写道),还要写原因(原因写fun,boring,interesting,difficult,relaxing……)不要超出范围,不要太长 那些不及物动词后可以加介词 I have been to shenzhen _______ A.so an I B.so i am C.so have i D.so i have B. Now mobile phones can take pictures ___ cameras .A.as B.likeas不是也有像的意思吗?为什么不能选A,请详解, 用10个词语写一段话用负屈衔冤,苌弘化碧,望帝啼鹃,六月飞霜,素车白马,天从人愿,情见乎辞,动地惊天,沉鱼落雁,闭月羞花,姹紫嫣红,断井颓垣,良辰美景,赏心乐事,朝飞暮卷,朝发夕至,清丽词句, I'm lucky to have a friend______?a.share my secretsb.to share my secretsc.share my secrets withd.to share my secrets with-you look very tired.-oh,l_____to the tape for over two hours.a.have been listeningb.am listeningc.listenedd.was listening sweater和nice分别翻译成什么? i am lucky from england ..want to make you friend mr liu said we will have an exam next monday改为间接引语 will be aired this coming Monday you come to a lot mean to me 中文翻译 A rose To say you mean a lot me 帮我翻译下! You mean a lot to me you mean a lot to me word by word翻译中文? 英语翻译 Where is Li Lei?A.has gone toB.has been toC.went toD.goes to理由! andy 什么意思 andy是什么意思啊 In order to improve your writing,you`d better write --------- A.more and less B.litter by litterC.now and thenD.step by step选什么并解释各项的意思 Wendy is____one of the top students in Shanghai.(probable) 改为一般疑问句:1.We did a survey of our readers last week 2.Bargain House has the worst quality he has a house in sydney. 反义疑问句怎么做? 求i am just a little bit shy 铃声 quality 最高级是什么