
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 03:03:10
英语翻译1、他现在是在医院工作还是在商店工作?2、他将用英语还是用汉语和我们讲话?3、昨天他捉到了什么?是一只蝙蝠还是一只鸟? The weather turned out to be fine .I _____the trouble to carry my umbrella with me.a needn't have taken b wouldn't have taken c won't have taken d couldn't have taken The weather turned out to be sunny yesterday.I ______the trouble to carry my umbrella with me.A.should have taken B.could have takenC.needn’t have taken D.mustn’t have taken the weather turned out to be fine,as we could expect.as为什么不用which或what什么的?还有!recently he bought a big house,whose price is quit reasonable.这句话为什么用whose,不是指house 的价格么?又不是指人。然后 rec to be made up of 的意思 请问be made of和be made up of有什么不同? like,play,that,basketball,don't(.)(组句) Don't he like that coat这句话有什么错误 什么叫失去爆破?什么叫不完全爆破? 请教一个英语语音问题,关于失去爆破的问题在语音中,如"absent"这个单词,失去爆破的是“b”,因此在语音考试时在“s”下划横线,但是如果是"box"这个单词呢? 郑和下西洋与明朝的海禁政策? 明朝海禁政策始末?从建国开始的海禁到隆庆开海禁再到后来的海禁,希望可以有个人给一条线的说一说捋顺一下思路! 明朝的海禁政策从什么时候开始实行 明朝的海禁与党争有无关系?明朝的海禁是否与外朝与内廷的争权有关?永乐朝郑和率领船队出使,但以后却无船队出使,这严重阻碍了中国的发展,在明末已经有人意识到了这个问题,但一旦恢复 my is sweater That pink (.) 连词成句 球用英语怎么说 英语翻译怎么翻译准确一点呢?最准确的加20分. zh是哪个国家简写 明朝海禁带来的危害有什么呢?为什么会出现中国人扮演的“倭寇”能否来点详细的 马来文的缩写怎么写,如中文 zh_cn 明朝后期为什么实行海禁历史上郑和为什么只有七次下西洋,而没有第八次? 为什么明朝实行海禁,还有贸易出现? they study English 2.my sister goes to bed early 3.Wendy and ,i have a pet 改为否定句和一般疑问句 用极坐标系方法求解.过定点P(1,1)的直线与圆x^2+y^2=4交于A、B两点,求PA乘以PB的值为多少? Do you think everything is done by a computer?I don't think so.请问这二句话正确吗? i don't think homes will have computer.i don't think there will be any 请你用 I don't remember 和 I can't remember 各造两句话短句. Can you take my rlands中文是什么意思 明朝为什么会有海禁的政策? 单句改错:l think she also have a computer l think it's interesting to write computer p____ hans是什么意思?