
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 09:11:05
你们认为中国历史上最伟大的三位总理 也可以是现任的或退休的说出为什么 你了解中国古代有哪些杰出的智者 为什麽有潮涨嘲落? Nice to see you.用中文怎么说 All of us have heard of Bill Gates改成否定句本为填空题 已经给出下列句子 ---- of us ---- heard of Bill Gates 6No one in the city _____ her before.A .have heard of B .has heard of C .have heard from 为什么选b this charity aims to h_________ people get rid of poverty 首字母填空谢了 音标怎么发音 是发:额 还是发:儿 求详解 怎么辨别它发什么音啊 The children were allowed to do____they liked为什么是whatever而不是no matter what它们不是相等的吗? 帮忙写两篇德语日记,一篇60字就行了~.词汇和语法不用太深,最好多用第二分词.一篇讲讲暑假无聊的一天(用时间顺序写就O.K.),一篇讲去公园玩,反正流水账也无所谓,一篇凑满六十几个字就好,^0 Elephants would___if men were allowed to shoot as many as they wished为什么用die out?而不是die away . 德语日记 入门水平近两天急需几篇德语日记 字数100字一下就可!要求是最近这个寒假的内容 翻译:Once upon a time movies were rated on how good they were,not on who was allowed to see them. 德语,如图,这个是以前做的笔记,语法分析,我看不懂了~ I can work out the problem +e开头的词语,是什么啊 By the time I ( )the railway station ,the train ( ).为什么选got to;left而不选reached;had left呢求讲解, We were so lucky.We()the railway station in time and we caught the train.A.gotB.reachedC.arrivedD.arrived in选哪一个,为什么?快, 11.___ the early train,we'd better hurry to the railway station by taxi.A.In order that catch B.So that catch C.So as to catch D.In order to catchCD是否都行 He is a new comer,_____i believe will be liked by everyone.a.whom b.that c.who d.which请问为什么是C不是A呢? If you are careful and confident ,you will succeed in ____(do)that 为什么马六甲王朝会衰落?请尽快答复我,我明天要交project! 改写同义句 I‘ll never go to bed until I work out the problem.I'll go to bed _______ I work out the problem.每空一词,急求!~~~~~~~谢谢 翻译一下Life always tastes better than it looksRT 童年诗歌急速要! 两只角的梯子叫人字梯 一只角叫什么梯 隋朝的哪个伟大的工程与北京有关 梦到爬到人字梯摇梯子摇到许多许多钱什么意思 童年的诗歌有吗?就是有关童年的就可以拉. 人生的一切都是命中注定的?个人是无法决定自己的命运的?个人的努力结果都是受到条件限制的? 人的命运是命中注定吗? 是天意还是命中注定还是… 隋朝著名建筑师