
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 13:39:39
I buy a new bike的过去时 ( ) the girl is playing the piano?A.How well B.what good C.How D.what He is playing the piano now.这个句子对吗?是不是is 和play 都是两个动词?一个句子不能同时出现两个动词啊?我语法学的不精, 英语 he is enjoying()the piano 括号里用play的适当形式 说明理由! 嫦娥四号和嫦娥五号刚刚上网查嫦娥四号还没有发射,可昨晚新闻联播说嫦娥五号都要运抵发射场了.我想问问嫦娥四号不得发射了吗? It took me 10 yuan to buy this book.(求同义句) It coats me 20 yuan ________(buy)the book.costs 打错 It cost her 100 yuan to buy the book.改为否定句 请问……安卓手机里的辅助功能时干嘛用的呀?真的不懂啊?希望具体说...请问……安卓手机里的辅助功能时干嘛用的呀?真的不懂啊?希望具体说说呗灬一一-谢-~. 1真的不懂怎么书上总有这话,当然,不是黄书 The old lady is my grandmother .对划线部分提问old 是划线的 对old提问 ____ ______ is your grandmother? 各种结构的被动语态边否定句,变疑问句(并回答) 请帮我用被动语态造五个句子并改成否定句和疑问句,急用是英语,今天要用的啊, 和”与狼共舞“意思相近的成语应该是结构差不多,比如刀尖跳舞. 与狼共舞是什么意思?如题,快~~谢谢~~ 南墙是什么意思 撞破南墙不回头是什么意思 扶点墙 可能是方言, It costs me 20 yuan to buy that scarf.同义句亲们一定要好好回答哦 That takes her 1000 yuan to buy the coat.对1000 yuan 提问 He wants to buy a scarf so that he will look more handsome 改为同义句 That shirt is 2000 yuan.I can't a------- to buy it 六级估分 我的最后一次了快速阅读对了3个 听力对了17个对了6个填词的 短文回答对了2个 阅读对了7个 完型对了18个 翻译没做 作文水平不高 (得40%得分把) 我能得多少分 能过么 ,补全句中所缺单词 ―Why is that old woman looking w ―She is lost.let us help her. 最后一次考六级,听力选择对19-20个,单词6个,句子感觉能对1-1.5个.快速阅读10个全对,阅读填空2个,仔细阅读对4个,完形11-12个,翻译感觉能有2-2.5左右.作文一般. 关于九年级英语被动语态的问题.i think students should be allowed to do homework with friends改写为疑问句式. 被动语态 1.Planes cars and trains ___ ___(use) by business people for travelling.2.Mr.Green ___ ___(open) two new school.3.How long ___ your uncle ___(be) in the city?4.___you ___(see) the film yet?Yes,I ___(see) it last week. 被动语态1.Planes cars and trains ___ ___(use) by business people for travelling.2.Mr.Green ___ ___(open) two new school.3.How long ___ your uncle ___(be) in the city?4.___you ___(see) the film yet?Yes,I ___(see) it last week. 九年级英语问题(改被动语态)our teacher helps us study better 1.Neither of them ___in China.A.is made B.are made C.were made D.made2.You shoes___.You need a new pair.A.wear out B.worn out C.are worn out D.is worn3.—When __ this kind of computers___?—Lst yearA.did,use B.was,use C.is,used D.are,used4.Mary ___ 尔雅通识课 基督教与西方文化答案1.论述基督教文化对西方文化的影响.2.十字军东征的历史影响. 比别人突出的比喻句123