
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 18:17:01
mr wang is takeing a walk in the garden?对in the garden提问 Tony has fun studing at his friend's home (用now改写句子)Tony ______ ______ _____ _______ at his friend's home now. Daming and Tony are my good friends.对my good friends提问 My life changed a lot in the last few year.这句话有错吗? advise的用法我看到过有关advise的这几种用法:advise (sb.) sth.advise doing sth.advise sb.(not) to do sth.advise sb.against doing sth.advise sb.+ 疑问词 + to do sth./should do sth.advise that sb.(should) do都对的.不要再讨论 辨析advise和suggest的用法能告诉我advise和suggest的含义,各自的用法以及它们之间的区别么? suggest advise 用法的区别suggest 、advise 分别什么时候用 to do 什么时候用 doing 还是可互换 “advise”和“advice"的用法区别 by the time he______,i will have left 选择题A .come B.comes C.is coming D.will come I was playing the guitar at this time yesterday 对 playing the guitar 提问 We all had a good time playing tennis yesterday 的同义句 家具类的英语单词wquydoorlkjfgcurtainspoiuchairlmnlightbvfloovcindowclassroom各位大虾们帮帮帮啊,我已经找出来“chair”和“door”了,需要再找4——5个 advise和suggest在用法上的区别?讲的的详细些就好, 请教这个电路怎么控制的,分别是什么原件,和原件的工作条件 have是单数还是复数? 控制电路和辅助电路的区别? 求 spray 和 sprinkle 的区别与用法. 英语翻译As a rule,exports are also marked with countries of origin ,such as “Made in china ”or “Made in U.S.A”.but there are exceptions when neutral packing is required.It is a general practice frequently used in international trade as a 列举所有有关advise的词组 关于 advise 的短语赐教 关于“advise”的问题advise+do or advise+to do 英文单词advice和advise的区别? 英语翻译For Your Attention:The Managing Director/OwnerREF:IRAQI RECONSTRUCTION EFFORTS - VARIOUS SUPPLIES.Hello,my name is MUZAHIM al-BAJAJI; this is an urgent Contract Invitation from Iraq .My benefactor in the new PM Al-Maliki regime is the Dir 英语翻译必须包含以下词汇 字数在200词左右Barter system 以物换物系统Consumer-Orientated 受顾客欢迎的Grocery Stores 食杂店Convenience Stores 便利店Drugstores 药店Big box store 大卖场Internet shopping 网购Boutiq DO you have any other sizes?any other不是加名词单数吗?这句后面为什么加S? 家具类英语单词有什么?一二三四年级的. 翻译live as a family live as a family=什么 现在就要 live as a family的意思是什么 可不可以翻译成“群居”? live as a family=live ____ _____ _____ arrives home late这句是否有错?arrive 不是不及物动词麽?为什么这一句 后面就可以直接连home了呢?是不是因为加了s He arrives home late 如何理解这句话:He arrives home late.我看这句子的解释说,home 和 late 是做副词?请把这句话每个词的成分跟我说一下,还有为什么 home是做副词?在其他句子中也这样吗?