
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 21:15:41
These reference books donated by a non-profitable organization are available for ______ wants to have it.A.no matter who D.whoever我知道是whoeverno matter who错在哪儿哦 有谁知道 铝壳电阻 +-0. reformer是什么意思? 定冠词那“特指”我至今搞不明白,望高手指教.原来没看书我还很明白的,一看书就懵了.eg :He is an English boy.如果按我的理解的话,这里的English Boy就是指he,所以按这个理解的话是要用the的,因 英语Profile:Yu Zhengsheng:A reformer's style >>Profile什么意思,译成侧面不通 改革者是revolutioner吗 还是reformer? 帮我看有没有语法错误,我感觉有,It is the second person that impressed me most among the five people he meet in Heaven,the Captain,who is revealed to be the person shot Eddie in the leg,crippling him for life. 感觉这段话有语法错误Everyone has his own ideas to this world.Don`t care too much about the thought to you by anyone alse.Just do it.. 英语挑语法错误We are searching business relationship with Canadian international labour agency which has experience of international labour introduction, good reputation of business. Wish wide business dealings for pushing the friendship betwe 求挑英语语法错误I don't know why,but it's really happens.I have no idea.I can't handle this,I don't know how to handle this,but i have to handle this. 大家觉得这个句子有没有什么语法错误呢?Since most important issues are multifaceted,there are alternatives to choose from,each with its unique advantages and disadvantages. 手摇发电机是朝两个方向转都输出相同的电压吗?还是相反的 保尔那时候苏联是什么情况?怎么一会儿德国,一会儿波兰,一会儿白军? 用画外之音怎么造句? table,the,is,the,bedroom,in怎样排序 beautiful的最高级是什么? beautiful的最高级 beautiful 的最高级是什么》? ,在造个句 灵长类怎么样 地球上有多少种灵长类 .在必要的地方填入冠词,不需要的地方画×.1.There is _____ bed and _____ table in my bed room.2.Li Lei's mother is _______ English teacher.She teaches in _____ middle school.3.We have three meals _____ day.We have breakfast at s the book store is near the post office的问句.1 “保藏不测,禽兽无异,可以技取,难以义招”怎么翻译? 英语翻译 非正五边形的外切圆的画法?任意长度的五条边组成的五边形,如何去画外切圆?如果画得出,应该满足哪些条 请问什么是染色体病,其主要症状有哪些,怎么预防? 如何切圆白菜 "一碧千里"是什么意思 染色体病为什么表现为综合症 人、猿猴……为什么称灵长类? 为什么灵长类可以进化出高级智慧生物