
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 20:58:53
存在即合理是什么意思… “我都不记得了”的英语怎么说如题 早上好英语怎么说 我不记得了 Please_____(跟随)me.用英语怎么拼? English Q please help me1.根据句意,用括号内单词的适当形式填空①The twins ___ (be ) at school this morning.②______ he _______(tell) you a story last Sunday?③We _____ (not watch)TV last night.2.例句:Let me help you.这里的he 请写信给我说说你自己 翻译 Please ()()me and ()()yourself 作文.Being a volunteer is great 请问It's____that I'd like to take a walk.填such nice weather为什么错? nice weather B.such nice weather nice a weather D.such a nice weather答案选择A,我明白为什么A是正确的.但是不明白B为什么不正确.这是 --___a volunteer is great.A.Being B.To being "That's really kind of nice — for them to take care of all those kids like that, when they're so young and everything." 1.for是介词,那to take care是不定式做them的什么?for sb. to do sth.?这个结构是nice的同位语?2.when they're so The dress is so nice that I want it A.take B .to take C.taking 魔力一词是什么意思今天就要啊`~~~~~~~~~~~~ 古诗词为何有如此魅力 请问这瓶子里装的液体是什么? 装液体一般都用什么口径的瓶子? at first , only rich people __ buy cars用A must B can C may D have to 选填 英语翻译Hello dear Taylor and Clarke,We are so very pleased you emailed us.;-) We were wondering how you were all getting along?We think of you 4 boys often.We are happy you are all well and would love to see some photos of you with your family a 职位 社区负责人 用英语怎么说是需要印在名片上的职位 作文《让我感动的一件事》可以写看到的事吗?比如:汶川大地震 《苏州园林》阅读第四段说说作者是怎样说明苏州园林的第二特点的?具体点 求一篇英语作文,题目为''A Happy Sunday''.字数不要太少,主要是本人已经高三,字数少了不好交差.谢谢了. 饺子的传说有史料记载的是什么? 有关饺子的俗语或者谚语有吗?例如:舒服不如倒着,好吃不如饺子; 饺子就酒越喝越有; 头伏饺子二伏面 《由一件事想到的》作文 由什么想到的一件事作文! 一件我喜爱的事或事物 There are some f-------- here,Many people wprk in them.(填单词) 以volunteer为主题写一篇英语作文字数在60 今晚就能写出来的 不要关于网上那些奥运会 世博什么的! 英语作文a volunteer's day 这句话是否正确 In my family have many rules. 英语四级怎么最容易过? 关于英文歌《Take me to your heart》的简介最好是英文的!