
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 14:02:42
大家帮忙把下面的日本字打出来.帮我把日本字打出来 . What is the status of women in China today? An obvious change of attitude at the top towards women's status in societyAn obvious change of attitude at thetop towards women’s status in society will ________ through the current lawsystem in Japan.A) permeateB) probeC) violateD) grope 用自然造句用表演自然中的自然的另一个解释造句 用"自然"造句自然界不拘束、不呆板以上意思造句. The Chinese people hope Taiwan will come back to the motherland____(peace)soon.How often___the magazine______(come)out?----Twice a week.What city is Miss Lin Leaving for_____(pay) a visit next week? 高中主题班会演讲稿下星期开主题班会演讲 主题:求索,青年应有的民族魂 谁帮我写1-2分钟的演讲稿?(围绕民族精神写) 英语试题 1.The Chinese people hope Taiwan will come back to the motherland____(peace)soon.2.How often___the magazine______(come)out?----Twice a week.3.What city is Miss Lin Leaving for_____(pay) a visit next week?4.Four years____(pass)since the s 日本料理的步骤以及菜品 What is "Enlightenment and RevolutionWhat is this? I will say what I want in Chinese later because I am using a English-Language computer这个是什么东西那里有这个东西的中文简介也要英文的谢谢! what could be a conclusion of the French Revolution So far i wrote this in my essay.There are many caused why the French complained about government and had a revolution.They didnt have freedom,land but a lot of taxes.The clergy and nobles were not w what's the importance of estates general to the french revolution what is the famous foods in FrenchEnglish! He shaved hurriedly this morning and cut himself badly.改成一般疑问句 He shaved hurriedly this morning and cut himself badly 翻译 This morning he shaved hurriedly and cut himself ________(bad).空中应该填什么 my grandpa shaved hurriedly this morning and [ ]himself badly (cut)答案【cut】为什么不是填写cuted过去式? 用多义词造句.例:精 他助人为乐的精神让人佩服.这个人岁数不大,可是很精 红:表: 下面这些怎么填 首字母填空:1.He shaved h___ this morning and cut himself.2.We don't know this man very w___.He just got here today.3.We are going to s_ three days in the country.4.He was a___ from school last week.5.Susan has a temperatu 丰满的多义词造句一个是充足,一个是胖得均匀好看! 英语的26个字母是什么? 例举每个季节 淮扬菜的代表菜?就是春季代表菜那几道,夏季那几道秋季那几道冬季那几道 淮扬菜有什么特点?代表菜有哪些? My father asks______l will come back home. 试举出江苏菜有代表性的两个菜肴,并介绍其原料、典故、特点 淮扬菜中的代表菜有哪些 菜名要英文用英文介绍淮扬菜的代表菜 淮扬菜有什么特点和代表的有哪些 如何理解刑法中的客观,客体,主观,主体?书本上理论一大堆如何能简单,易懂,好理解,容易记而且准确地搞明白呢? 求翻译“say goodbye to you and wirh you all the best i will disappear in your life” 菜品故清是什么意思 I will come back as _____ as I can (soon,quickly,fast) I will come back as _____ as I can (soon,quickly,fast) 为什么?