
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/09 23:48:20
unit2 is this your pencil section A 5课时 英语翻译Related Occupations [About this section] Back to TopActuaries need a strong background in mathematics,statistics,and related fields.Other workers whose jobs involve related skills include accountants and auditors,budget analysts,economist 谁买过listen to this mp3版音频?就18元那个,里面的音频是按课分的还是按section分的? Make sentences .Using the same structure in brackets .中文意思 国际石油每桶的价格是如何确立的? 上面一个亚下面一个土是什么字?名词 是 太*粉 左边一个土,右边一个两点加一个亚字是什么字 亚字下面一个土字 读什么 可用作氮肥的有机物是什么 上面一个“亚”,下面一个“土”念什么? 这个字念什么啊 上面一个 既 下面一个土 字我打智能ABC啊, Rewrite the sentences using British words1.You don't need to take the elevator.Our apartment is on the first floor. Now rewrite these sentences using the short from in each sentence. Rewrite the sentences using the Passive.1,They are making moon cakes with bean paste.2,They were showing her around New York at 10 yesterday morning.3,They have asked me to talk about how the company started up on TV.4,They say that she is one of the 某厂生产一批高与底面直径相等的圆柱形容器,如果容器的容积为10升,那么底面半径是什么(保留2个有效数字)?如果容器的容积扩大为原来的64倍,那么底面半径扩大为原来的多少?如果容积扩 含有两种原子团的氮肥 上边一个亚字 下边一个土字是什么字 几件旧衣服想邮给灾区,怎么弄?我有几件穿旧的衣服裤子,外套,不多就几件,也不怎么穿了,扔了又可惜,都还是好的,想捐给贫困灾区,没有联系方式和地址,不想留名,能帮帮一点,不浪费就好,自己 某厂生产一批高与底面直径相等的圆柱形容器,如果容器的容积为100000毫升,那么某厂生产一批高与底面直径相等的圆柱形容器,如果容器的容积为100000平方厘米,那么以这个东西的底面半径为边 请问,我有些不要的旧衣服,想捐给贫困山区的儿童,怎样才能送到他们手中呢? why are you learn English 还是why are you learning English 为什么? 请问 why do you learn English?和 why are you learn English?.有什么区别吗? Lucy sings _ (well) than Ben. 如图,P是等腰三角形ABC底边BC上的一点,PR与CA的延长线交于点R,交AB于点Q,且AR=AQ,则PR与BC垂直吗?请说明理由.(无图,请回答者自己附图,提交答案时,请附图) change the follwoing words into -er form的翻译 you are not a doctor ,aren't you 还是are you? the right forms of the words与the right form of the words为什么常说后者.这两者有区别吗 I had rather have a room of my own,however small it is,than ____a room with someone eles.a.share b.to share c.sharing d.to have shared该选哪个·?是选 A 请 选A 的 同学给以个解释啦····· 谢谢········· 另外 请下面的 don't leave the stove on中leave什么意思 翻译:Leave the lights on 甲乙两人同时从ab两地相向而行,相遇时甲乙的路程比是5:3,并且甲比乙多行12千米.甲行完全要8小时,乙每小时行多少千米? Miss Green asked us ___the classroom after school. A.cleaning B.to clean C. clean D. cleaded