
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 19:57:16
英语翻译在开学之前一定要啊!要不然就死惨了!%>_ l,bought,some,books(对划线部分提问)some,books this grapt cannot previsw fogive my lazy! cost-benefit analysis是什么意思 lots of books 一个小问题.I have lots of books.这里 lots 词性 是不算是个名词呢.我知道lots of整体是个词组..2.他不会抽烟/喝酒.英语怎么说 lots of books 和lots of the books的区别lots of the books这种用法对吗? lots of i gave him the books__ __ the pens中文翻译,我把书和钢笔都给他了 改为一般疑问句he gave her two books(how many)he gave her two books(how many)i saw some trees and flowers(what)i went with my friends(whom)j went there by sea(how)i got to the airport at half past five(what time)i spent two weeks in the united mum gave me two new books yeaterday afternoon.同义句mum gave two new book ____ ______ yesterday afternoon. how can a country (where teachers devote all their class hours to training students to take exams )定语从句be expected to compete in the technology race with other countries?谓语动词是哪个?给我划分下后面的句子是不是a country c 这个句子为什么会有两个谓语动词?We finished the run in less than half the time( ) A.allowing B.to allow C.allowed D.allows为什么选C不选A.还有,你有没有发现,如果选C,这里有两个谓语动词,finished和allowed. 英语翻译您好!由于我的网速比较慢,我需要更换宽带,这样,我就会在新安装的宽带上登陆在以前宽带上注册的账号,如果有,那该怎么办? 用简单的英语解释句子mr Green has a pain in his stomach Tina has ten erasers.Sally has seven earsers改为同义句两个 Sally has invited to (stay with her in England)对括号部分提问 ( )has Sally invited lingling( )( ) 1.sally has a bike in her house(改为同义句) 2.You can play computer games here(对here进行提问)3.Those are li Hong's red shoes(对li Hong's 进行提问) 我英语基础不好,考试选择题能对一半,阅读理解错就错2-3题,很少错1题(除非题目简单),完形填空也是差不知道我这次PETS1级能不能过.考前做了一下模拟试卷,加权后得分73.我感觉比我的模拟 I eat rice for lunch 中rice加不加s 一个句子中不能有两个谓语动词,如果出现两个,要么用连词连接,要么用从句和非谓语动词.为什么? 15岁但英语基础比较弱,单词认的不是很多,现在学英语还来得及吗?有人说人类学习语言最好在15岁以前 一个句子中为何只能有一个谓语动词? 一个句子中有几个谓语动词我对语法知识了解但很模糊 能不能帮着分析下这个句子的成分李白的 需行即骑访名山 需行是不是状语表时间 骑和访 感觉都是谓语 表示主语怎么样 到底怎么回事 有含糖率20%的糖水500g,又加了些糖,这时糖水的含糖率为37.5%,又加入了多少糖?有木有人 艹 这句怎么有两个谓语动词the reason i'm calling u is to invite u to a party怎么出现两个谓语动词?am 和 is 这句话对吗?怎么有2个谓语动词?I missed the train and consequently was late for work. 求 Phaending Khong Rao 的中文意思,看着像是泰语拼音,不像英语, 我想每天坚持一片完形填空和4片阅读理解从而提高英语成绩可以吗 英语成绩较差我想每天坚持一片完形填空和4片阅读理解从而提高英语成绩可以吗 英语语法差应该怎么办能 英语成绩较差 我是江苏的一名文科生、英语语法一直搞不懂、我有坚持做完形填空和阅读理解、可英语成绩还是没有改善、...我是江苏的一名文科生、英语语法一直搞不懂、我有坚持做完形填空和阅读理 The animals you eat had to spend their lives----together in tiny spaces A.crowded B.crowdingcrowd不可以作动词吗为什么选A不选B? it is a pity that animals have to spend their lives __________in a tiny space before they are killed for meat.(crowd)