
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 01:50:43
1 On the _____,I saw a bottle of apple juice,bought by mother as my little brother's birthday gift.A kitchen's table B kitchen table 为什么呢?2 _____ to play basketball together with your best friends on a cool fine afternoon!A How fun B What fun 1】sometimes it was a bit boring to work there because there wasn't always _____much to do.A.such B.that C.more D.very (为什么选B?)2】it is said in the book that Thomos Edsion_____the word leading inventor for sixty years.A.would be B.has bee 各位仁兄大姐,我星期天就要英语竞赛了,谁能告诉我英语竞赛怎么复习,给我点题也行呀,ps:复赛.+哪里有高考英语的听力呀,愁死我了. 某宾馆有3人房间和2人房间共20间,总共可以住旅游客48人,则该宾馆有{ } A .3人房4间,2人房间16间 B.3人房间12间,2人房间8间C.3人房间8间,2人房间12间D.3人房间10间,2人房间10间 求英语作文啊!假如星期天是你妈妈的生日,你想对她说什么?急 平方得64分之25的数为什么急 一个数的平方的倒数为36分之二十五,求这个数? ______ from his appearance ,he looks like a teacherA judged B judgingC To judgeD judge有这样一句话,After writing the letter ,l listen to the music for a while这句话老师算我错的,如果从现在分词角度,这应该是对的,如果没 Rose was wild with joy ---the result of the examination.A.toB.atC.byD.as答案上为什么是B? The food and Agriculture Organaization of the UN says more than forty billion dollars a year needs to be invested in agriculture to_______ world hunger,which is becoming more and more serious.A.defeat B.cure C.reject D.instruct the new school library_____over there now will be put into use next term为什么填being built 而不是built?没有now就可以了是不 1._____________,she doesn’t get up without her mother’s help every morning.  A As she is a teenage B As she is teenage C A teenage as she is D Teenage as she is2.Only by chance _____________where the food was stored.A.Mary discovered B,Mary d 12分之5的分母增加12,分子不变,分子应增加( ) 在表格中怎么找中位数比如人 数:1 1 2 6 3 2加工的个数:540 450 300 240 210 120 这组数据中的中位数是多少? 在cad中,实际比例=图形比例*打印比例 CAD块中的位置、比例和旋转角度各代表什么意思! 怎么在表格中找中位数比如人 数:1 1 2 6 3 2加工的个数:540 450 300 240 210 120 这组数据中的中位数是多少? 表格里的怎样求中位数,列式, cad里的比例具体含义 如图所示 cad图纸在窗台表百分数是什么意思 计算机中CAD是什么意思?全写又是什么? CAD的中文含义是计算机辅助----------?填空题 计算机辅助设计与制造是学什么 一个最简分数,分子与分母的和是40,若分子和分母都减去2,得新分数值七分之五 IF(COUNT(FIND(D3,C3)),"正确","错误") CAD制图中1: 怎么将E1中的公式简化的更短.E1=IF(COUNT(FIND(B$1,A1),FIND(C$1,A1),FIND(D$1,A1)),A1,"").不要数值公式.如图: cad图纸1: cad标题栏里的比例是什么意思?例如:1:2 和2:1 都是什么含义 公式:=IF(ISERROR(SUM(D3:D7)/(COUNT(D3:D7)*10)),"N/A",SUM(D3:D7)*100/(COUNT(D3:在excel2003中,最好将IF函数和ISERROR函数与总内容连在一起解释,请详细一些, CAD中1:以前做平面设计从来没有接触到CAD,完全不懂,新工作就是CAD出图,对于数学不咋的的我,也没有学过相关东西,很郁闷,完全不懂,客户图上写的什么1:1000.1“500,听同事说要什么计算,然后 帮忙找中位数和平均数第一组42,54,44.5,43,42.5,59,43,45.5,42.5,44第二组37.5,40,38,34.5,41.5,38,37,40.5,39.5