
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 22:55:08
恩,5well known 比较级是better known 可以说more known as 6when he died ,.left the family large debt 什么时候用leaving >7well has your whole family ever been blamed for something your little sister did ,it 8doesn't seems fair does it ,怎 Sometimes I would translate something accurate.用ACCURATE还是accurately?怎么看用副词还是形容词? 《绝句》中的“迟日”是指春日,还是指春天的太阳? 在这句话是accurately and naturally,还是accurate and natural.为什么?It will make the classroom lively and also makes the language expressing accurately and naturally. 求教英语若干题改句1.My sister and I are making New Year's plans.(一般疑问句)我是这样做的:Are your sister and you making New Year's plans?2.Today is {a rainy day}.(括号部分提问)我是这样做的:How is it today?3.She doe a faint fragrance是什么意思 找出每组单词中发音不同的单词1.{wh}at {wh}ere {wh}o2.w{or}ker sh{or}t w{or}d3.{sh}eep {s}ure {s}mell用动词的适当形式填空1.________(be) there any jam in the bottle?2.My father usually _______ (watch) TV after supper.3.Their frie 选择1.—Can you ______ high?—No,I can't.A.jumping B.jump C.to jump 2._______ play football on the road.It's dangerous.A.No B.Not C.Don't3.I'm thirsty.I want _______ some water.A.to drink B.drink C.drinking4.The monkey's tail is _________ climbin 求救英语题若干,求救纳用动词的适当形式填空1.What ________ Mary and Jim ____________ (do) now?2.We often ________ (watch) TV in the evening.But now we _______ (sit) together and ______(talk)3.Listen,who ________ (knock) at the door? 其结果是毫无疑问的这一句话有何含义 大学里英语八级的过关率如何通常需要几年 英语有几级,CECT6是不是国家八级啊有那个高手知道的,回答我小生万分感激 Eugene这个英文名怎么样啊 韩国女明星尹恩惠的英文名字你们知道吗?速度回我 谢谢 will do和be going to do都是表示将来时吗?怎样区分?Don't bother to look for my dictionar?It___some dayA.turn up B.have turned upC.will turn up C.is doing to turn up答案是选择B...为什么不等选择C? 燕君可以用英文名Eugene吗还是用enjel好 一般将来时是不是只有两种表示方式,be going to do和will do如果出现doing是不是一定不表示一般将来时,如果不是的话,这算哪种表示方式? 毫无疑问的疑是什么意思 一份力量就是一份________[填空] 毫无疑问的毫是什么意思 还有半个小时就是我生日了,我想发表个有意思的说说,暗示好友今天是我生日. 关于同解和等价如果方程组(I)与方程组(II)互为线性组合,那么称这两个方程组等价.等价的两个方程组一定同解,但是同解的两个方程组不一定等价.求大神给一个反例,就是同解的两个方 弹簧测力计的测量范围如何表示是5N,还是0~5N general trading company是什么意思 弹簧测力计所测的力能超出测量范围吗 用弹簧测力计的基本要求有一条就是测量之前首先要明确他的测量范围,说一说这一要求的根据是什么?使用弹簧测力计的基本要求有一条就是测量之前首先要明确它的测量范围.请说一说这一 每日一编(15个词.5月27日)要求:①写出下列词的意思②把这些词编成一段小对话或者小故事.在词出现的地方打上括号注明这个词.(1)heck(2)hypnotic(3)inconstancy(4)instrumentalist(5)junction(6)lubricant 冯玉祥是怎么死的啊? 冯玉祥是个怎样的人?简述 冯玉祥的简介? 介绍冯玉祥简单介绍介绍 别长篇来啊 谢了~` 初三英语同义句!1.Let's take a break2.I know it from A to Z.3.The waste water pollutes the river.4.We must reduce the use of plastic bag.5.The Reads are having lunch now.6.We all wonder why he is so unhappy.7.My sister put on weight again8.I wi