
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/09 13:53:15
用another造句帮我看看这个句子正不正确:He is warm-heared(热心)so he is busier than another nurse in the hospital 用'another and another'造句 my wath is blue --------yours? A、what color B、what about C、how d what‘s 为什么选b项原因 减小有害摩擦可以采用减小_______,减小_____,变____,是摩擦面_____的方法?是“使摩擦面_____的方法” 英语翻译余尝谓读书有三到:心到、眼到、口到.心不在此,则眼不看仔细;心眼既不专一,却扣口漫朗诵读,绝不能记,记亦不能久也.三到之中,心到最急.心既到矣,眼口岂不到乎?解释下列加点的 英语翻译这个是文章朱子家训 [清]朱用纯 黎明即起,洒扫庭除,要内外整洁.既昏便息,关锁门户,必亲自检点.一粥一饭,当思来处不易;半丝半缕,恒念物力维艰.宜未雨而绸缪,毋临渴而掘井.自奉 朱子家训 三到全文及词语 翻译 自行车上的有害摩擦有哪些 减小的方法 有朱子家训及英文翻译全文吗? Did your mother do housework last sunday eveningDid your mother do housework last sunday evening 做肯定回答 lots of的同义词有什么? 印第安酋长西雅图的演讲让我们懂得:大地是我们的什么,必须献出全部的什么来保护家园 from place to place怎样用英语造句 用英语单词arrive造句请在造完句子之后将句意写下来, 用have an exam arrive in arrive at 造句带中文谢谢诶 用“arrive at/in”造句(简单的,初一的程度) The shortest mantra of this world is the name of a person . The shortest mamtra of this world is the name of you. We haven't enough money,that's our trouble跟We haven't got enough money,that's our trouble有分别吗麻烦举下例子详细讲解一下有什么区别 用下列单词组词 record medal place teamrecord( )( )medal( )( )place( ) ( )team( )( ) 先行词是place引导词用什么这个句子是 There is a good place _____ I want to go自己造的句子,翻译为:这是我想去的一个好地方如果句子表达不对,请帮忙改正,还有就是我造的句子对不啊!要是不对填什 A famous place 作文60词 定语从句中place的引导词I love the place which we visit last year.I love the place where we lived three years ago.I love the place that we lived in three years ago.为什么这些引导词不同谢 英语翻译是"这是我的朋友,他的名字叫东东"的意思,还是在和东东说"这个人是我的朋友"? John,this is Li Yan,my good friend 翻译成中文 Is__some foreign professors visited last weekA.this schoolB.this the schoolwhy choose B Considering his appearance,he doesn't seem to be a forty-year-old man.请翻译 matt creen 30-year-old man翻译 Mr Wang is an man.A.28-year-old B.80-year-old 为什么 city street library place中哪个是不同类词 辛亥革命孙中山提出什么口号? 辛亥革命的宣传口号