
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 09:10:56
有()有()括号里必须是反义词越多越好 We're ( )milk,please pick up two bottles.A.in to B.outside C.out of D.inside 选择Please give me two bottles of ______.A milk B waters C milks D oranges为什么, 分享我的歌,感谢大家的支持用英语怎么说 选择I want two () A bottle of milks B bottles of milks C bottles of milks D bottle of milk 我唱着外婆教我的歌谣 是什么歌 深海里的生物 深海里的生物为什么都超漂亮 T________it's hard work,I enjoy it.空里填什么? I have a college dream and I must work hard for it no matter _____ hard life is.A what B which C that D how答案是D,请问为什么不能选A 英语翻译 Do wemen usually work after they get married in your country?What do you think about it? Air pollution is___most serious problem in many major cities and___measires should be taken to deal填哪个冠词 根据首字母填空:Pollution is a serious problem in major cities t___ the world. —do the students feel when they come back to school?A.What B.How C.While D.when选什么 回答具体 用所给词完成句子 The students are talking about what they.(want)to be when they .(grow)upThe workers .(work)for seven hours without rest.They must be very tired.lt's helpful for you .(read)different kinds of books.l prefer reading books to .( I Want You To Know 的中文意思是什么?hit-5的歌曲 Air pollution is one of the b____problems in our life 按首字母应该填什么 b____ 将You may have two books.改为一般疑问句__________________have two books would like to do rather than do 有没有这个短语?急 缓和的反义词是什么? 减少反义词l;llllllllllllllll1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 我的纸桥怎样让它更坚固? 请问消耗的反义词是减少对吗?错了~~~应该是"消耗的反义词是增加对吗?"" 用纸造一座“桥”怎样才能造的更牢固?只能用一张报纸,胶布,怎样更牢固”要求:承受200克的重量,宽度不少于10厘米 宏观调控是什么意思? 什么是宏观调控 关于老的反义词,急!添老的反义词1 这青菜太老了.( )2 我们是多年的老朋友.( ) 老的反义词是什么要四个,除少和新 is this her black jacket?变肯定句 关于老的反义词请问:那个老人拄着拐杖慢慢地向前走去.这个句子中的老字改成反义词,改后要通顺. 英语翻译Please describe a time when you were uncomfortable with the information you were asked to disclose.How did you react?What's the result?Please give your answer in English.