
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/10 02:19:45
performer 和actor有什么区别?尽快要..谢谢.. 经验交流材料怎么写 performer和actor的区别 两相六线制的步进电机有几组线圈不是只有四组线圈的吗?为什么我今天拆开电机一看,里面竟然是八组?请问哪位大哥大姐可以解释给我听听, act和performer的区别.别到度娘那里抄写杂七杂八的垃圾过来,我都看过了,不满意才问的.想骗经验和悬赏的警醒点就别回答了.我要的是语法。可以互换么? 选择填空,要准确率,不要跑堂,1.he was () sad at the bad news that he could say a word.a very b so c too d much2.why not() music club i 'm sorry,i can't sing or dance .a to jion b joining c jain d to join in3.study hard,() you'll fall behind 选择填空,要准确率,不要跑堂,1.() won the 100th gold medal at the olympics for china?zhang yi ninga who b what c when d where2.what did you do yesterday afternoon?i did() shoppinga a few of b a piece of c a lot of d a number of3 .remember ( 一.选择填空.要准确率,不要跑堂,1.i don't know () he will come.a if b what c how d is 2.he often helps his mother () the housework .a did b does c do d doing3.the new term is coming.the students are busy () the classrooms .a clean b cleans 选择适当的词语,并用其正确形式填空.要准确率,不要跑堂,a expensive/cheap1.the machine is newly invented,so it is very---2.this shirt is ---,but it is as good as the others.i'll buy it.b family/house/ home1.he always stays at ---o 用所给词的适当形式填空,要准确率,不要跑堂,急,1.'---(not be) late for school again ,' mrs li said 2.mary made him ---(wash) the sweater last sunday 3.one of the girls ---(sing) now 4.don't talk ---(loud) in class 5.her mother is goo 大自然带给我们的启示是什么? 大自然带给了我们什么启示呢 《木兰诗》中描写爹妈,姐姐,弟弟迎接木兰回来的句子 “落霞与孤骛起飞,秋水共长天一色”是孟浩然的么? 丽丽要用绳子将3件长10厘米,宽10厘米,高3厘米的长方体礼品盒捆绑丽丽要用绳子将3件长10厘米,宽10厘米,高3厘米的长方体礼品盒捆绑在一起(见右图)至少要准备多长的绳子?(接头处用去10厘 丽丽要用绳子将3件长10厘米,宽10厘米,高3厘米的长方体礼品盒捆绑在一起(见右图)至少要准备多长的绳子?(接头处用去10厘米) 英语翻译 语文翻译(高中)1所以遣将守关者,备他盗之出入与非常也2如今人方为刀俎,我为鱼肉,何辞为?3固人之力而敝之,不仁;失其所与,不知. 初中下期一语文25课短文的翻译 2,3,4,6,9,10,题 a十b十(=5 4a一2b十c=8 9a十3b十c=13 怎么用“攻击”造句555 谁知道用“你知道吗”造句?急用! 1/4(x-3)+1/5(x-4)+1/6(x-5)+1/7(x-6)=-4解方程.能否简便?注意, 2011.8月20左右的定尺107杨木市场价每吨(或每方)多少钱.灌水者自重. 铝制高压电线为什么很耐腐蚀 请问聚丙烯PP的MI是指什么啊?要是有的话最好给发一份PP的spec. 我想问一下,如果让你们帮我把聚丙烯烘干的话,一吨多少钱, 农机净值的含义有谁知道 农机三点悬挂类别什么意思 杨木怎样运输 杨木的英文是什么啊请问大家,杨木的英文,桃木的英文,还有檀木的英文,分别是什么啊