
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/30 19:16:43
I have a new pair of shoes.black and white.A It is B They are. I have a pair of brown and black shoes .变复数 结构:---have--- ---of brown and black shoes 英语翻译Having problems is nothing to be ashamed of.When you need to,go ask for help,because the help of another can often get you through your darkest times! 哪位大侠帮我分析一下下面这句话的语法啊?When times become difficult (and you know they sometimes wil 已知等差数列an的前n项和为Sn,S4/S8=1/2,那么S8/S12=? 世贸大楼为什么会遭到恐怖袭击,911事件主要摧毁目标为什么是世贸大厦? She has only “one watch“划线部分堤问How many does she ? she has a comic book in her school bag(用they替换she改写句子) I don't know when to leave为什么when后面要加to 1 It is not only in restaurants ___ foreign dishes are replacing traditional British food.A that B which C where D whether2 He was born in the year ____ the Anti-Japanese War broke out.A which B when C on which D during which 小明爱好邮集,他用10元钱买了4分和8分的两种邮票,共20张,他买了4分邮票多少张?好吧...我错了应该是4角...8角 my room 初中英文作文参考词汇:a picture of ,there is ,a desk ,on ,a clock ,a computer ,books ,on the wall,bed,under,football,like 王华喜欢谁?他喜欢谁? 英文作文my room 介绍各个物品的位置 She wore,(what )was very uncommon in the country,a pair of white shoes.不用which 和that 的原因 繁星春水 墙角的花,你孤芳自赏时,天地便小了.和本诗意思接近的成语 墙角的花!你孤芳自赏时,天地便小了 告诉我们什么道理 墙角的花,孤芳自赏时,天地便小了! 每次去外婆家的路上,总见一块立在公路边用大红漆写在黄色板上的告示:桃子——自采——三公里路.真有趣.终于,有一天,爸爸决定带我去看个究竟.从公路拐过去布道一公里,路边出现了一块 第十三题怎么写 快回答 第二十一题怎么写,要有中间步骤 I always wear this pair of shoes play football,so it’s dirty~I always wear this pair of shoes to play football,so it’s dirty~那句对为什么快 This pair of shoes is Lily's.(Lily's划线部分提问) 本拉登领导的恐怖组织叫什么名字 可不可以针对日本成立一个像拉登一样的恐怖组织? 拉登死了,或许就没有拉登.拉登死了,美国也许会寻找下一个拉登.拉登死了,美国或许会孤寂无聊,但美国拉登死了,或许本就没有拉登,拉登只是个符号,一个传说.拉登死了,美国也许会寻找下一 本.拉登为什么要袭击美国 如果比尔.盖茨组建恐怖组织——势力会超过本. 1.She did not have any interest inthat book同义句She was _______ _______ interested in that book.2.be not alive换成相同意思的短语的三个空3.be not wake换成相同意思的两个空 数列问题,求详细解答数列{an}中,a1=-2/3,当n≧2时,恒有an=(1/Sn)+Sn+2成立,⑴求Sn=f(S(n-1))的表达式⑵计算S1,S2,S3,S4,S5,由此猜想Sn的表达式⑶求{an}通项公式具体点.看不懂 急求 数列题详细解答1、12 36 80 150 ( )2、23 31 44 52 66( )3、2 9 64 625 ( ) 高中数列,求高手详细解答!