
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 13:04:51
he showed me his new books 同义句 36.Norm showed me his vacation photos _____ he visited my house for lunch.A.whichB.whoC.whenD.where这道题我觉得选A和C都可以吧用which是Norm给我看的他的照片是他假期他在我家吃午饭的照片用when是Norm给我看的他的 I have to wait for me谁能说下这个英语的意思, I even say for me:I can wait!I have to waiI CAN!I CAN!I CAN!I CAN!BUT NOW… 求翻译 英语中既可数由不可数的单词写出6个这样的单词例如:FISH\FRUIT 哪些词通常情况下是可数的? Linda shows her new book to me.(改为同义句)Linda( )( )her new book.(一空一词) 1.玛丽准备不久出她的新书 Mary_______ ______her new book soon.2首先,我们决定选班长 ____we_____ _____ _____ the monitor 3我的英语老师建议我选另一个科目学习 My English teacher___ A friend of______ gives her a new bookShe is___________ ________________a road now. Lisa _____us to her new book.(introduction)用什么形式,写出适当形式单词, 求一篇《三国演义》英语读后感(book review),500字,原创,高三水平就可以了.谢谢啦.请发邮箱OP_hunter58@126.com. 系动词作表语能用副词修饰吗 there are still 还是 there still are wait 和wait for 用法有什么区别 Mary is only two.She can't b____ her t_____herself.怎么写 I am still available this is kind of suit will be sold for 600yuan,which is far more than its real( )A.value B.cost C.money D.price The project requires more labor than ___ because it is extremely difficult.A has been put in B have been put in C being put in D to be put in 高中英语还停留在初一水平怎么办 高中英语怎没学 have you loved me 的中文意思是? 是不是be动词后的都是表语啊 求 Z X Y 三个字母开头的英语词组 还有W Z J三个字母的开头英语词组 中文也行是要用来做微博名字的.如:Fall in love 开头f i l 请问第一个字读什么 第一个字读啥. 我想知道第一个字读什么 英语听力怎么提高?觉得仅仅听听力好无聊,坚持不下去! sound常常做 动词 ,后接 词做表语,soundlike 后接 词作宾语 莅临指导的临是什么意思?急啊~~~莅临的 临 是什么意思?? 请帮帮忙想一个三个字母的英文名字.是男生用的.不要太俗气的 含有zyz三个字母的英文名(男) 求含有w,y,n三个字母的英文名