
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/09 17:28:15
In both America and England people shake hands when they meet each other for the first time.准确翻 When people in Brazil meet for the first time,they usually _________ each otherA.shake hands with B.bow to C.kiss D.nod their heads to 血腥王朝的英文翻译是什么 法国发生七月王朝之后 英语翻译 却克里王朝(曼谷) 英文翻译 I have fifteen bananas do you have?下一句用英文回答 “你可以成为我们摇滚乐队的一员”用英语说You can _______ ________ our rock band I have a balloon怎么读 I have fifteen story-books.对fifteen提问 “朝代”英语怎么写? "王朝"的英语单词是什么?麻烦知道的就说一下, I love the people,she doesn\'t love She is afraid to make a s__ in front of the people she doesn't know. 英语翻译Iran is observing the thirtieth anniversary of the country's Islamic revolution with a ten-day celebration that began last Saturday.The nineteen seventy-nine revolution forced Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi out of power and made Ayatollah Kho voa慢速英语怎么样.英语一直不过关,最近听朋友介绍去听voa慢速英语, fifteen发音标准音标是怎么发音的 所有音标 求些英语句子组合比如is doing sth ;sb to do sth;enjoy doing sth这样的 英语怎么组合句子呀?例如 形容词和名词 就是那些词应该放在句子的哪里 xieziw 求英语向异性搭讪的句子同求翻译麻烦。稍微委婉一点的,稍微体现一点文采的。 谁教我几句常用的搭讪英语? 描写古代少年儿童生活的诗儿童天真可爱,常成为诗人的写作对象.我们读过的古诗中,就有不少写到了古代儿童的,你们知道有一个跟师傅隐居山间的少年儿童的古诗吗? 如何与人搭讪的英语句子 谁有几句能感动女孩子的英文,最好把英文也答上. 世界上最富有同情心的动漫人物是谁?脑筋急转弯 May the fifth中的the可不可以去掉? 喜欢西班牙语怎么说?我喜欢你你喜欢他他喜欢你他喜欢我等等... may is_ the fifth month a year 请问空格添什么 what do they do?是什么时态 我的爱好是睡觉.用西班牙语怎么说 It is the fifth of May.the fifth of May要划线. may is the fifth month of the year一般疑问句 leave the fifth of mayA of B with C as D on