
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 12:54:30
If he carries on driving like that,he'll end up dead.不是应该end up in death么? 他照这样开车,早晚死于非命 if he carries on driving like that ,he'll ____ ____ dead. if the carry on doing things like that ,they will (end up dead) 括号里这样用有什么理由? 2012地球一小时的时间怎样确定? 2012中地球会面的时间是几月几号啊 i don\'t think much of him的意思 曹冲称象的译文快 it is much good writing to him为什么用writing 而不用to write 两个都可以吗?I don't think it much good to inform/informing him of the matter. It is ______ good to ______a man like that.[neu]e是倒着的急 2012地球升级后,人类地球将会发生什么变化.人会飞起来吗. 用比较级将两个句子合并到一起.而且要写出合并后句子的同义句.1、this biue shirt is 70 yuan.that yellow shirt is 130 yuan.2.ben is popular.sam is very popular.3、mark doesn't speak French very well.jim speaks French very wel I left Beijing in 2005.I have lived in Shenzhen since then.把这两个句子合并在一起? 我和某某人一起做作业怎么用英语表达 心情不好时, 英语翻译1.What letter is an animal?2.What letter is a question?3.What does everybody do at the same time?4.What do people have two mouth?如以前遇到过类似题目,勿参加错了,是when do people have two mouth? 班级公约怎么写 -Where is your sister?__(be) she__(do) some shopping in the supermarket?-No,she__(watch) TV inthe sitting room. 班级公约怎样制定? 僵尸新娘中三次出现蝴蝶的寓意分别是什么 希望用英语解释 手术刀英语怎么说 英语翻译齿轮流量分配器是一个用途非常广泛的液压元件,如:能合理选用此元件,将能为整个系统节约许多安装和操作成本,能方便地实现多路循环,并能延长泵的使用寿命. “手术刀”的英文是什么?怎么写?怎么读? 明朝对联上联是“狂犬无知,敢如深山都虎豹”下联“困龙未遇,_________________”我们语文卷子上有这样一题,是明朝万历年间,有个叫蔡逢益的教书先生与一名外乡来的读书笔人林奏成发生了口 英语中拿起手术刀怎么说 宗教和封建迷信有什么区别它们不都是关于鬼神的吗 Rose came to beijing in 2002,she ( )here for eight years.为啥填was lived?不用完成时? rose came to beijing in 2002.she __ here for 8 years.a:was living b:live c:will live d:has lived Rose came to Beijing in 2002 .Because she would like___here with her parentsA.living B.live C.to live D.lived 高一立体几何, 高一立体几何题 用英文翻译“而父母却选择用自己一生的时间来奋斗,来换取我们现在的美好生活”