
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 12:10:36
What is on the desk?是用It is a book回答,还是There is a book单选题再问一道drinks vegetables apples potatoes的音标 her first class b_ at eitht in the morning The first class _____(begin)at 8:00every morning.中的begin用什么形式填空 maths is the first class on( )morning. 法国有多少名胜古迹? 关于法国的名胜古迹快,急 寻一首英文歌是以嘟嘟声开头 歌词只记得一句 I am here again where have you been是男生唱的歌词大意是男生找她过去的女朋友,却发现她换了号码,搬了家,他独自在街上徘徊,找到过去的地址却发现 i am a survive歌词,英文歌曲,美国好声音中出现片段,两女的合唱的 自编寓言故事: (提示:情节要合理具体,情节与寓意要一致,寓意能揭示一种生活道理.)嘴和眼睛的对话;树和斧子;画笔和颜料;蜜蜂与花朵;猫和老鼠;烟囱和浓烟;任选一个写~! 请给我一个很有寓意的自编的寓言题材~我要的是自编的呀~ 谁能帮我找篇寓意深刻的自编寓言.要有寓意的... 《奔跑的小狮子》概括“她”从小到大对妈妈的情感变化她常回忆起八岁以前的日子:风吹得轻轻的,花开得漫漫的,天蓝得像大海.妈妈给她梳漂亮的小辫子,辫梢上扎蝴蝶结,大红,粉紫,鹅黄. 英语状语从句有哪几种? 我妹要写英语造句:If从句,目的状语从句,时间状语从句,If条件从句我妹读初二,最好是第十单元的内容最好写长点 We need twenty more students _____our class to do the job.A.but B.except C.besides D.for选出答案并说名理由和选项的区别,but,expect,besides之间的用法和区别 some students want to attend the p___- -----This term I want to be the top student in my class.----______.A Congratulations B That's all right C Of course D Good luck to you 20 students want to attend the class that aims to teach how to read fast.划分句子成份,仔细 字母键上的数字六加Shift得什么符号 All the students in my class want to buy the book.(改为同意句) shift+123456789有些能打出符号有些不行,但按数字都可以 hence the description of america as a "graveyard" for languages.请帮忙翻译,并说说其句式结构. 英文翻译as the mass of air rises My brother Jack like living in China.哪错了?Would you like to going with us?哪错了?急! I want to send this package by first class mail.中的first class Dear jack, First-in-Class什么意思 first-class reading是什么意思 这里first How Beijing is being built into first class Olympic host city. Jack now is in China 这句话对吗?一般都用Now Jack is in China或者Jack is in China now或者Jack is now in China,这三种表示都正确,但能够说Jack now is in China吗?把Jack 换成he之后,可以用he now is in China first class object 过去进行时讲解( 包括句型结构,用法,动词变化)