
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 22:00:01
I couldn't follow what he said ______,but atlasti understand.I couldn't follow what he said ______,but atlasti understand.A for the first B at first C the first D at the first 经销商和代理商一样吗?.对这些词语理解比较模糊.刚接触社会.这些名字概念都非常模糊.请好心人帮帮忙.谢谢. She couldn't understand what he said.There was a p____ expression on her face.____填什么? 1.文中“可怜”一词是内涵丰富的“模糊”词语,下面的理解哪些正确( )A.对深受反动统治之害而又不觉悟、为虎作伥的阿义们的鄙视、愤慨.B.为自己身陷狱中遭人毒打而叹惜.C.为朝 英语“Pandas are all over the world 的意思 浮生六记的闲情记趣解释, 《浮生六记 闲情记趣》的原文和解释 如何理解这两个词?written language living language 这两个词要怎么理解啊!情理之中和意料之外怎么理解? 算是.就是...这两个词的理解急. 谁能理解理解这两个词语?词语:遐思,启迪要求:每个词的解释最多4个字 这两个词语怎么理解? 浮生六记,闲情记趣的解释子之插花能备风晴雨露的“之”意思如其法行之的“如”意思翻译:余喜,如其法行之,见者无不称绝文中刺死昆虫与“幼时记趣中鞭打蛤蟆的做法相似,目的却不同, 介词后面为什么加beinga Filipino maid was executed in Singapore after being convicted of murder,despite protests from various quarters that her guilt had not been adequately established.请问句中的“after”后面为什么要加“being 求:数字电子技术课程设计,要比较简单的. 水经注江水江水又东,迳狼尾滩,而历人滩.袁山松曰:「二滩相去二里.人滩,水至峻峭.南岸有青石,夏没冬出,其石嶔崟,数十步中,悉作人面形,或大或小;其分明者,须发皆具 :因名曰人滩也.」 为什么盘子的英语dish没有生命,而它的复数形式确实dishes? Mr Zhang,I went to your office ten minutes ago,but you were out.where have you been?--I _a meetingA am having B has had Cwill have Dwas having 西安电子科技大学地址 英文怎么写太白南路2号,英语怎么写?写信用, 浮生六记 闲情记趣这篇文章写了什么? If someone comes to see me,ask them to leave a ___ .A.message B.letter C.news D.sentence if by any chance someone comes to see me; ask them to leave a message.if?by?any?chance?每一个单词都是什么用法? If by any chance someone comes to see me ,ask them to leave a( lt by any chance someone comes to see melt by any chance someone comes to see me,ask them to leave a message.我把这句翻译成中文是“如果可能有人来看我,叫他们留个信息.”是我这样翻译吗?求指导 New York is one of exciting cities英语阅读 急 在线等New York is one of exciting cities in the world. You might want to do some shopping in New York. Fifth Avenue is probably New York’s most famous shopping street, but if you go, be prepa 回答几个 能多少是多少 Which computer game is the most exciting one? (Putting) the bottles,boxes and books back where they belong,please.Don't leave them on the desk(Putting)哪里错了呢? 英语翻译其中的may justly 到底该怎么翻才合适啊? i think the history m___is a great place There lived _______old man in a very small hut at________edge of a great forestA.the...aB.an...theC.a...aD.the...the there lived a young man 中的lived是什么用法那么什么情况下可以这样使用呢,还有什么样的动词可以这样使用,希望牛人给予清晰指点,附加例子最好不过了,谢谢啦