
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 07:46:00
英语翻译第二部分:公司经营理念公司使命不断为视听领域注入活力;针对客户及市场需求提供超前优质服务;培养世界级高素质人才队伍.公司愿景成为人类聆听事业建造的核心力量核心价 一道西班牙语前置词的填空Llamamos abuelo ( ) el padre ( ) nuestros padres还有国语的意思 西语前置词dede和del 的区别 It will take us right to the don't worry.the taxi will take you___the hotel.A.to right B.right to C.right on Peter drives_____Amy,so it will take Peter____time to get to the hotel.A.much faster than;less B.more slowly than;less C.as fast as;more Das slowly as;more I believe that the heart does go l believe that hrart does go on 选择填空: We____loudly in the library. A. must be B. must not talk C.mustn't to talk D. mustn't be题目就是刚才那样,是预备年级的题目.我需要好心人帮我解答,不仅告诉我答案,还要告诉我为什么这样选.原因要 西班牙语 Preocuparse de 和Preocuparse por 的用法和含义有什么区别? 不知道是自考商务英语本科好还是直接考个商务英语证书好,现在在从事外贸行业. 连词成句that,make,it,dark,true,look,is,colors,thinner,can,people Is it true?Dark make people look thinner?(合并为一句)老师说It is true that(后面照抄)可是一般疑问句在改为宾语从句时,不是要先加if或whether吗?请说明理由. Some British and American people like to invite friends and colleagues for a meal at home.You should not be upset (心烦意乱) if your English friends don't invite you home.It doesn't mean they don't like you.Dinner parties usually start between 7 词汇与结构(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分)1.One day while Mr.King was working,he had a/an________:his left leg was badly injured.A.business B.accident C.matter D.event 2.I prefer to live in the countryside.Country life has a lot of I think you can if you ___harder A work Bwill work C worked D have workedif 不是 一般将来时.一般现在时结构吗解释下选择理由 If you _____ ,you have to work still harder.A succeed B will succeed C are successful D are to successful选哪个理由? 人与自然的关系是什么?你怎样理解“天人合一”? 明明知道这样不对,还要这样做,怎么办 i have a lot of()to do so i can not go with you A.works B.work C.job D.workings 要原因 改句子:I saw him enter the reading room a few minutes agoI saw him enter the reading room a few minutes agoHe was _____ _____ _____ the reading room a few minutes ago 女人在想什么?为什么名知道是错还这样做?我朋友家是农村的,我去他家玩几天,发生个叫我朋友一辈子都不能忘记的事,旁边租房的租给一个男的,30多岁,很不正派,今天拉来一个女的干下,明天 If not _from work,always take my dog for a walk.(A.being tired B.tired)用哪个? You'd better stop ( ) and have a rest、work work working to work 选哪个好 惯性定律(值得怀疑)个人认为物体在不受力的作用下是静止状态!只要物理在不受力的作用下再向静止物体施加一点力~物体就会呈匀速直线运动状态!我老是这么认为, 问个惯性定律问题牛顿第一运动定律说,在不受外力的情况下,物体将保持匀速直线运动状态或静止状态.如果宇航员在失重状态下凌空转动一个小球,这个小球会一直转下去吗?转动可不是直线 我有几道关于物理的惯性定律的问题.第一题:在1.、足球比赛2、立定跳远3、铅球比赛4、引体向上,中没有利用惯性的是?第二题:在1、投铅球2、有助跑的跳远3、标枪比赛4、拔河比赛,中没有 It is____ work of art that everyone wants to have a look at it.A a so unusA a so unusual B such an unusual C so unusual D such unusual 请解析 Look!I have two watches,but _____of them will work.A.either B.neither请教选什么为什么? 托业和BEC哪个好? x奉献的四字词语 关于奉献的四字词语100个