
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 23:48:43
还有一个.your mine is than and backpack heavier bigger 英语单词排序 peter's mine than bigger is schoolbag .要有中文意思 急 连词成句 Peter's mine than bigger is schoolbag 今晚在快乐大本营笔笔唱的英文歌是什么名字? 今晚在快乐大本营笔笔唱的英文歌是GONE.问下歌手是谁? 英语翻译1 对于公司来说,花钱请他们拍广告是很值得的.利用足球明星的影响力来号召消费者,这是一个非常正常的促销手段.而从另一方面说,数百万元的花费的确是一个天文数字,特别是对于 Is it a good choice to study abroad? going abroad to study and work has become the dream of most students .这是going.to句型吗?还是? Lily's bag was ___on the desk_ just now.(对划线部分提问) The park is _about 2 kilometers__away.____(对画线部分提问)The are going to _play_basketball_ after school.(对画线部分提问) What’s your opinion about more and more students going to study abroad?用英文回答比赛的题库中的题库 Nowdays,going abroad to study is enjoying striking popularity among chinese students.They intend to you room is ___ than mine.A.three time big B.three times big C.three times bigger D.bigger three times Your room is ( ) than mine.Athree time bigBthree times bigCthree times biggerDbigger three times 有一道题问:Was there a paek five years ago?我写的是:No,there were no parks.我妈说No,there wasn't.哪个对? 英语翻译要坚信你的王子还在路上,他要翻山越岭,斩恶龙,斗巫师.所以,你要淡定,不要抓狂、慌张.要知道,王子是来找温柔而自信的公主,不是来找泼妇和性饥渴的.尤其当你遇到了真正的王子, 英语 if you eat much junk food,you will getting fat填短语 You will be sick if you eat too much food同义句转换,一空一词___ eat too much food,___ ___ sick.前面是一个空,后面只有两个空 周笔畅的英文歌 谁有周笔畅的《笔记》英文歌词和英文歌曲?歌词:笔记我看见天空很蓝就像你在我身边的温暖生命有太多遗憾人越成长越觉得孤单我很想飞多远都不会累才明白爱的越深心就会越痛我只想飞 连词成句 1.there a two ago years连词成句 1.there a two ago years was subway 2.there a lot highways in city are this of 怎么写? 全世界所有阿拉伯人都是伊斯兰教徒吗? 宋 辽 金 西夏 灭亡次序 宋与辽、金、夏议和的原因如题 资治通鉴以什么的形式记载宋、辽、金、元的历史.打错了.是续资治通鉴 (1)从上述材料中,你可以看出辽、金、宋之间的关系怎样?材料一 1005年,宋辽达成“颤渊之盟”.宋真宗应允每年向辽方输纳银十万两,绢二十万匹,双方约为兄弟之国.--------《中国史纲要》材 A police officer has a brother,but the brother does not have a brother.How could that be? life is short life is short后半句是什么 Amy is a p____________.She often takes photographs for people.是photographer吗?22: 单词拼写 Amy is a p____ .She often takes photographs for people.I'd like to visit some intersting p_____ in Guangzhou.I'll r_______ that day my life.There will be a book f______ in tianhe this weekend.Mary finds it i______ to learn English.Amy is I keep a d() every day I run every day (to keep fit).划线提问 __ __ __every day?