
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 13:38:02
英语大师指点下right away 和 in no time的区别等等!英语大师们帮忙分析下1.right away 和in no time的用法区别,详细例子说明.2.by a trick = with a trick 请举例说明.感激不尽! 英语翻译 three of four time aweek造句 in a time 是美语还是英语? three or four times=three times or four? A is three (four,etc.) times the size (height,length,width,etc) of B关于倍数的表达,这种形式的表达能否把后面的of 省略(后面有作比较的对象) You don't think they will finish the work on time,_____?f反义疑问句怎么加? 英语in timein time有时候还可以做不久(in no time)解吗?可以举一个例子吗?(You will succeed in time可以这样说吗) 填补句子的空缺:I think we should do something to ( )our thanks to our mothers May I take this opportunity to express my thanks for the account you recently opened with our stare we ended up returning from our trip,__ a lot of weight thanks toWe ended up returning from our trip,__ a lot of weight thanks to our daily exercise.A having not gained B not to have gained C not having gained D to have not gainedThanks! Our destiny offers the cup of depair ,but the chalice of opportunity. True love is never lost.only time will tell the endless love.我一个女的朋友写的 呵呵 what does your uncle do改为同义句 _____ _____ your uncle 我翻译的一句话里面有The ARU consists of three 50% plants.是石油行业.three a son of three 怎么翻译 英语翻译新概念二Lesson66课的一个课后题.正确答案是把need have been 换成will have to be Get down的歌词谁能给翻译一下?BSB的那首歌,谁能翻译一下,谢了! 括号部分提问:It's(about ten minutes walk)from my home to work Take your time,we have enough time left._____it_____,we have enough time left My love have you take your lunch?谁给我翻译下. 谁能帮我取个跟“思宇"发音相近的英文名?想要个不寻常的英文名、本人18岁、女生、即将出国留学、所以望大家多多提议、谢啦、 思宇 英文名我的名字叫 思宇 我想取与中文名音有相似的最好是S开头的写起来漂亮的我明年去英国上学与本土相近的谢谢大家了我是女生 帮女宝宝取个英文名,中文名叫:思宇 “思宇”这个名字可以起什么英文名?女孩 这种题相当头痛I think he _____ finish doing the work.20.I think he _____ finish doing the work.A.will B.will can C.will be able to D.be will able toA 还是c为什么A就不能选? When I Get My Money 歌词 Get Money,Spend Money,No Money 歌词 I got money.这个句子对吗? l don‘t have time to be in love.啥l don‘t have time to be in love.啥意思? I Don't Have Time To Be In Love 歌词 enough一般接抽象名词 那么万一说 我有足够的苹果了 用I have enough apples还是enough apple?