
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 20:43:26
“With tow exams to take,I had to work really hard over the weekend."中with的用法? _two exams_,I have to work really hard this weekend.A:With;to worry aboutB:Besides;to worryC:As for;to be worriedD:Because of;worrying about为什么? 求一首女声英文歌 歌词有句Is that ture 是重复两遍的女声很干净清澈好听 那句歌词的调调也很让人难忘~谁懂歌名的不要吝啬~\(≧▽≦)/~啦啦啦 Thank you~~~谢谢你们啦 我找到了哦~是Lana Del Rey的 定于从句.1.liming,()to the concert enjoyed it very much.A.i went with B.with whom i wentC.with who i went D.i went with him They walk to work.改为否定句 group of a group of用法到底什么时候谓语动词用单数什么时候用复数 a group of 中文意思 a group of people\ a basket of apples+are,a box of,abag of +什么什么时候加is? _two exams_,I have to work really hard this weekend.A:With;to worry about B:Besides;to worry C:As for;to be worried D:Because of;worrying about 为什么? He was punished ______ he should make the same mistakes again.A.unless B.lest C.if D.but 选什么?为什么? 学士学位 翻译 翻译:获得学士学位 my brother has a round face.【 改为复数形式】——— ——— ——— ——— ——— .每空一词 英语材料翻译,工科、石油类常规型游梁式抽油机是油田有杆采油作业中最常见、应用范围最广的一种地面动力设备.将动力机的高速旋转运动,通过减速机构转变成低速的曲柄旋转运动,再通过 he has a round face翻译一哈 He has a round face.(变同义句) if fewer people can finish it with less time,itill be (succeed) we are twin sisters(改成一般疑问句)we are twin sisters(改成一般疑问句 They are twin sisters.(改一般疑问句) 句子结构分析Scientists are defying government experts to warn that babies are being exposed to high levels of aluminium in formula milk,which they claim could damage their health.科学家不认同政府专家的观点,警告大家婴儿所喝 Why ______ your father ______(go) to Beijing.We all like____(she) very much. my twin sisters are policemen对吗? 分析句子结构!There’s a zero percent chance XXX have received any documents.XXX拿到文件的几率几乎微乎其微.请问上面那个句子中.XXX have received any documents是从句吗?如果是,那是是从句,为什么?可能说得不 “……(地点)的……物品”英语翻译时用哪个介词 make求中文 大的地方英语用什么介词 小的地方用什么 Make中文 Chinese people are ( )to the foreign friends.A.friend B.friengly C.unfriendly选哪个, come on , level with me .这句英语是什么意思这句英语是什么意思啊 如何分析句子结构 如何鼓励别人?A.come on.B.come with me.C.this way.