
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 00:09:11
11919.7还有94%和1404用英语怎么说出来?单词就行不用汉语标音 同学用英语怎么说.用标准的汉字标出来.我问同学英语怎么说.我能看懂英文问你们干鸟.用汉字标出来不行吗. 你认为哪些行为会造成环境污染?你有什么好的建议改善这些状况?Behaviors that cause pollution:Suggrstions:__________________________ ____________________________________________________ _________________________________________ what did you yesterday 你昨天干什么了?I______________yesterday.我昨天写作业了! 一,用适合的介词填空1.He walks______the bridge______the river and turns left______Park Road.5.Is Daniel waiting______the bus stop for his mother?6.He tries to open the back door of the garden______the key______the bedroom.7.His home is quite 几道英语选择题(初高中衔接)4.----This cloth _____ well and _____long?----OK.I'll take it.A.washes;lasts B.is washed;lasted C.washes;is lasted D.is washing;lasting (答案选A,不知为什么)29.----Nancy is not coming tonight.----But s 急,会几空填几空Clouds with different s_____ always appear in the skyIf you get s_____ today,you won't have much trouble sending for a doctor.Sometimes doctors have to travel many miles to h___their patientsIf the patient needed f___help. 初高中衔接英语选择题1.It_________whether our school will buy a computer for each teacher.A.is not decided B.hasn't decided C.doesn't decided D.haven't been decided E.hasn't been decided2.-Where is the CD-ROM?I clearly 几个英语选择题.There are many ______flowers in her gardenA little yellow beautiful B.beautiful little yellowC.little beautiful yellow D yellow little beautiful ,这个一般有怎么样一个顺序?"It's my birthday today.""_________."A your b 不回答全部的也可以,没关系,一道一道来,能解释一道是一道,我在这里谢过了一:If this coat isn't yours,( ) can it be?A.who else B.which else C.what else D.who else's二:Lily is a friend of( ),she is reading ( ) newsp 将下列句子改成否定句、一般疑问句并根据括号内所给的词回答,急求回答!1、The farmers will grow beans on the farm.(Yes) 2、These boys will travel to Japan.(No) 3、There's some snow on Fuji Mountain.(No 把下列句子改成一般疑问句,并用括号里的词提问1、Lingling has got some photos(what)2、They are photos of China(where)3、Xingjiang is in the west of China(where)4、I went to xinjiang last year(when)5、We stayed with my grandmoth 变疑问句时句中有哪些词可提前? 用括号里的词将原句改为选择疑问句(1)This dress is mine.(hers)(2)He has a big nose.(a small nose)(3)I wear a skirt.(dress) 英语翻译Moon River Moon river,wider than a mile I'm crossing you in style some day Oh,dream maker,you heart breaker Wherever you're goin',I'm goin' your way Two drifters,off to see the world There's such a lot of world to see We're after the same 英语翻译我叫白洋!今年26岁,身高184,体重80kg,6年前毕业于东港市第二中学,然后到韩国大学留学,专业是旅游与酒店管理,今年4月份回国,目前没有工作我的爱好是打篮球,唱歌,游泳和电脑游戏. 求助阿甘正传英文台词1.无论去哪里,我都跑过去 2.我相信你创造自己的命运,你只要利用好你的天赋 3.生命就像一盒各式各样的巧克力你永远不知道你下一个会拿到什么?4.既然跑了那么远,何 英语翻译格式:英文---中文 仁爱英语版八下不规则动词,要仁爱版英语捣乱者将被我封杀 求仁爱九上英语不规则动词表 仁爱英语七年级下册最后一页的不规则动词表,最有那一页的图仁爱英语七年级下册最后一页的不规则动词表,最好有那一页的图 英语,空着的题目急 求仁爱英语八年级下册不规则动词表如题,急啊! 外界溶液浓度大于植物细胞液浓度时细胞会失水吗?动物细胞为什么不会? 谁能帮我写一点三亚的英文介绍能帮我写一点三亚的英文介绍100~200字 生物 当外界溶液浓度大于细胞液浓度时,植物细胞通过__失水? 当……小于时,通过__吸水? 就是好像介绍一下三亚的风俗,饮食,风景,100个词左右就可以了~ apologize这首歌怎么用中文唱出来i'm holding on your rope,got me ten feet off the groundi'm hearin what you say but i just can't make a soundyou tell me that you need methen you go and cut me down,but waityou tell me that you're sorrydidn't apologize怎么读不要音标,看不懂 Apologize的中文唱法.用中文唱出英文的音. apologize怎么读?用中文字代替读音 本人不懂英文? 谁英语好,能帮我把这首歌apologize读法用中文打出来?