
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 19:25:31
Shall we____(skate) nowShall we ____ (skate) mow?Sure,let us ____ (go) 迷失not 麦克在船上炸弹里出来的 not yet的英文是什么 on的用法xxxxxxxxxxxxx 电话英语主要是针对哪方面的,对提高口语快吗?想提高自己的口语与听力水平,听说最近有种叫电话英语的方式,亲们怎么看? on 在日期中的用法The beginning of the year is the first of January.Children's day is on the first of June.为什么上面一句用on,一句又不用on?on是什么时候用吖?还有讲生日,应该是My birthday is on the 1st June.还是My bir 谁可以告诉我这里had not done ...A girl there told us the plane( hadn’t come )yet.In the end,there came an announcement telling us that the passengers waiting for Flight LJ108 could get a free meal and that the plane (hadn’t left ) ·done not 的缩写形式是什么? On 的用法.. On 用法谁知道 note down your mistakes or what is hard for you in this lesson.的意思 on的用法有什么 英语翻译One day,a boy had a fight with one of his classmates.Then he went to his grandfather and told him his story angrily.“He is really bad,” the boy said,“and I hatehim.”The grandfather said,“Let me tell you a story.When I was a boy, 英语翻译How to get on your parents?Are you always arguing with your parents about your studies and life?Take the following advice to get on well with them.Make a list of the things that you and your parents agrue about most.Find a time to take to What is the z-wave?individuals who can design z-wave-related products? 英语翻译I set up a classroom library of books that I bought with mt own money.The library looks beautiful,like a bookstore ,and my students like it very much.I read the children a story.It is about a girt who is so poor that she wears the same dr Itia ia not______watch.I think it's________watch. 英语三级在以后的招聘中有没有用?我外语不好,但又想考,怕过不了浪费钱 三级英语耳机哪种好 英语三级听力耳机哪种好 英语三级耳机问题··有知道英语三级用什么耳机吗?英语三级用的耳机可以用普通耳机代替吗?听老师说·英语三级好像要用什么专业耳机,所说的专业耳机是收音机? 英语三级b需要耳机吗 考英语A级要准备什么文具啊? 考研204英语二选一是什么意思 怎样提高英语二卷的分数我的英语一卷分数能达到80%以上,但二卷一半的分都达不到,尤其是完成句子,20分只能拿到6分左右,怎么提高完成句子的能力呢?高中 英语翻译One cold evening,I was waiting outside for a taxi in New York City.Later,I was 21 by a man in his thirties.Obviously,he was angry,complaining how 22 New Yorkers were.I knew my __23 would only be about 10 minutes and a part of me wanted to 用enough连词成句 the box/strong/The boy/is/lift 出污泥而不染的例子 军训的时候老听到我们的教官说这话“你送拐了是吧?”.其它路过的教官听到都笑.我听不懂. 幸福,拐了一个弯的答案1.阅读全文,思考“前半生,男人为她开疆拓域;后半生,她要为这个男人撑起一片天.”在文中具体哪些方面?2.品析文章第6段中加点词语的妙处.3.文章第5段中运用景物描 can与could的区别我知道后者是前者的过去时.但是他们也有共同的一个意思(和时态没关系)就是能够,可以.那又怎么区分呢?有时一句话用了后者,那为什么不用can呢?例如"I could swim in knowledge."这 主机前面的USB插口和后面的有什么差别?