
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 19:00:37
for(int i=2;i n=(in.nextLine()).charAt(0)-'0'什么意思 I saw them_basketball over there.A.plays B.played C.playing 用over、some、saw、i、there、flowers咋组句? 语法分析:I saw a man being beaten over there这里的 being beaten 是 man 的宾语补足语还是充当定语 遮蔽的近义词是什么 怎么确定从句的连词 {关键是自己知道填这,却不知为什么}比如:He asked me ___ I was doing知道填what 却不知为什么,很迷茫 meal造句 5.She is t_ after working for 5 hours 关于连词、复合从句的选择题1.He was walking on the pavement ________ a bike suddenly hit him from behind.A.while B.then C.when D.since2.You will end up in hospital ________ you don't give up smoking.A.until B.as C.unless D.if3.Get up earl drink这个单词可以与tea搭配吗 they drink the tea w____ anything in it. body oil 可以用来做什么,有什么作用?怎么用?我爸去越南玩,买了一瓶,全是怪文看不懂 tonic body treatment royalty怎么读royalty [ˈrɔiəlti] i往哪边靠是 ɔi ə还是 ɔ iə 还是 ɔ i ə用汉字标出来也行 Sun Fang asked me about Chinese Cooking.(改为同义句) Tell yourself everyday :I am really Now ( )with me,if you are willing to,to my life beyond the kids and kitchen.A to wander B wandering C wander D wandered Tell yourself everyday :I am really great什么意西~ 【翻译】By turning kids on to fishing, he ___29___ to present an alternative way of lifeBy turning kids on to fishing, he intented to present an alternative way of life Tell yourself everyday :I am www.crmcn.cn really great. the Great Wall is really _____(amaze).I am _____(amaze) at it I really am Disguise里有一句歌词是“I'm okay,I really am now” I am really stuck three out of the preceding five years 哪位朋友帮我解释一下这句话 “Always forgive your enemies.Nothing annoys them so 大多数人们是majoy people吗?除此之外还有哪些说法? majoy成功之道 majoy有第三人称单数吗我去 打错了 major majoy是什么意思 majoy 主修的 adjmajoy主修的adj Do you have potatoes?做肯定回答是Yes,I do还是Yes,I have?