
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 19:08:34
一道VF题求答案SET TALK OFFCLEARSTORE 0 TO X,YDO WHILE .T.X=X+1DO CASECASE INT(X/2)=X/2LOOPCASE X>=10EXITOTHERWISEY=Y+XENDCASEENDDOSETTALK ONRETURN刚才做这道题,我怎么算Y的输出值都是20,可答案给的是25,还没有详解请会做 问一道vf的题store "xxyy" to china,chinese,hellolist memory like *e为什么结果中china chinese hello 都有我就想不通了china里明明就没有e啊 我换成list memory like *d 结果显示还是china chinese hello 想不通 里面连d 求两篇根据下文写出来的英语对话 答语是My throat is sore.可以用What's the matter with your throat?来问吗 历史上第一个民主立宪制国家是哪个 bird ,The,at,of,the,top,the,tree,is.连词成句 某市每月交纳的水费包括两个项目:使用的水费和同体积水的污水处理费,其中污水处理费的单价(元/立方米) 自来水公司规定每户每月用水量不超过7立方米时,每立方米水费1元并加收0.2元污水处理费 变色龙真的会变色吗?上面的是什么修辞手法? 大家能夸我几句吗说我聪明 最好 ( )Who is_____student in your class?A.the better B.the best C.the good D.a good选哪个? Who is _____ ______ (最好的) student in your class. who is the most e____ student in your class. 拜托英语好的帮我看看下面选词填空的答案是什么?用下面单词填空commission detail exist following involving particularly possibility range market flavours 1__________ our initial market survey 2_____ focus groups,I think we ha 用括号内动词的适当形式真空(空的地方是横线,在这里画不上去)一、 your parents (read) newspapers (报纸)every day?二、My aunt (look) after her puppy 四年级英语(对话)小故事 用is he going a climb to tomorw mountain连成一句话 I'm going to cIimb a mountain.I must wear my sports shoes.是对还是错 夸别人帅、有才的句子,要文雅一点的,有诗意的 英语出现第3人称单数和过去式,应该用had还是has 我整个人都斯巴达了?JIONG的意思吗 斯巴达布拉格中斯巴达是什么意思? “斯巴达”是什么意思0.0 比如:我整个人都斯巴达了! 在现代中先到生活中讲人很斯巴达是讲人什么呢? (How)1 (good)2 she (dances)3!改错 为什么要说how well she sings!而不说how good she sings! the girl is sitting near a tree可以改成the girl is sitting near the tree吗?如果不能改成the是为什么呢? 小孩背课文怎么才记得住? Jones is an attractive girl.She can sing__ what is more ,she dances well.ones is an attractive girl.She can sing__ what is more ,she dances well.good、sweet、beautiful?选哪个.为什么A.good B.sweet C.beautifully D.loudly 选项是这些。 地球绕太阳转126圈有多长时间? 世界上快灭绝的动植物世界上快灭绝的动植物