
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 21:06:36
请翻译:currency st() ti()()怎么填?station,快回答, _____ is your father?He is a worker.Where How What When what do you have for lunch?能用It's salad.回答吗 What did you have for lunch?I had ___sandwich _____france fires,____salad he says little but does 为什么要用little?原题:We all like him because he says _ but does much.A..little B.a little C.much D.many We all like him because he says____ but does much.A.Little B.a little C.much D.Many 英文版美女与野兽野兽和美女各是什么性格?用英文简略地讲 同样是吃,eat和have有什么区别?:have a biscuit eat the bone 美女与野兽 主要内容英文版 有谁知道 have和eat的区别和用法 have和eat 的区别have和eat 的区别是什么? eat have 的区别 什么时候用eat,什么时候用have 呀 童话故事美女与野兽主要内容500字以内 英语翻译1.平时他们虽然经常互相嘲笑,但他们在篮球场上的表现却如同亲兄弟般2.他是XX队的得分后卫,擅长三分球,有着坚定的意志和永不放弃的信念3.他是XX队的队长,樱木称他为大猩猩,原因 eat和have的区别【1】请举几个例子 【2】eats是在什么形式用,eat只能在三单时用吗?要改为eats对吧? You ()read a lot books because they can improve your konwledege.填must还是have to can u teach me how to read your silence,because u didn't say a word我应该怎么说好呀? SLAM slam dunk是什么意思 I can't fall asleep,because your love.I'm so painful.I don't know what can I do,and ,nobody can heI can't fall asleep,because your love.I'm so painful.I don't know what can I do,and ,nobody can help me.At this time,I want to know what game are you pl 表示吃什么东西时,什么时候有eat什么时候有have. slam 表示吃东西的时候什么时候用have和eat? 为什么不及物动词没有被动语态,他可以加一个介词在加宾语也可以视作动作的承受者 eat和have都有吃的意思, what is the exchange rate between your currency and the US dollar? what is y-intercept of the graph of 3x+4y=24什么意思 What is Turkey's currency 为什么湿了的纸巾干了后会变硬分子间的作用力是什么力..麻烦详细点.. 湿纸巾 干纸巾 怎么翻译阿? work-life balance是什么意思