
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/27 16:13:15
求初一的政治论文(内容积极向上)要原创,最好多点例子,感想我自己写.谢谢! 都有哪些类型的词语/成语例如AABB,ABCA,AABA,ABCB,AABC,ABCC,ABB,带数字的等 英语翻译Des gens foncent dans ta vie,just t'appren dre un cours et puis s'en 用一种具体的事物来表现时间,生命 写一段话 能反映中国已经进入改革开放时期的一组事物或现象的是A两弹一星 三下乡活动 义务教育 股票B上山下乡 扫盲教育 双百方针 互联网 C科教兴国 城镇化 载人航天 流行服饰D股份制企业 样板戏 与大同小异类似的成语 选择正确的动词填空1.Is there anyone at home? at the back door.(Knock/Look)2.Let's all our friends to a party.(tell/invite)3.Of course there's some wine left.You're ,aren't you?(telling/joking)4.'T 用所给的动词或词组的适当形式填空.Mike _______ a magazine and _______ English last saturday.My father ______ mountains and _______ some nice presents for his friends last holiday.I _______ many beautiful pictures and ________ a lot of 仿写.下面这首小诗借“梅”表达了作者对“生命”的思考,请选择另一事物表达对另一话题的思考.梅一片玉瓣,是一滴生命;剥落了生命,你召来了燕语和莺啼.要和这格式一样的,最好是菊、竹 These photographs will show you ____.A. what our village looks like B. what does our village look like C. how our village looks like D. how does our village look like 为什么CD翻译成这些照片要向你展示我们的村庄是什么样子 找出错别字这位旅客站了很长时间才离开,当他下楼时,已抑制不住自己的情感了,感叹到,怪不得成为伟大的音乐家!说这段话里面有一个错别字 我实在是找不出来 请大家指教,孩子的试卷 找出错别字, 并改错 不要只说答案, 帮忙找出错别字津津有味 气象万千 息息相关 风云变幼 惊慌失错更胜一筹 人才倍出 大显身手 甘拜下风 走投无路 算数解两根绳子共长27米,从第一根剪下2/5,第2根剪下3米,剩下的相等,原来各长多少 两根一样长的绳子,第一根剪下5分之3米,第二根剪下5分之3,那根绳子剩下的长,为什么? 选择合适的动词并用适当的形式填空1.Mr Li usually spends an hour ____ tennis every day.2.I like _____ with my teachers on the phone.3.Thank you for _____ me this book.4.I don't have much time ____ in the morning.5.Lily wants ______ her these pictures will show you what our hometown looks like 为什么用what不用how 帮我找出错别字 -the box is too heavy for me to carry upstairs A let me give you a hand B i'll come to help为什么选A而不B 2根绳子,第一根比第二根长16米,第一根绳长是第二根的5倍,2根绳子分别长多少米 一根绳子剪成两段,第一根5分之3米,第2根占全长的5分之3,第二根长( )米.大家快来答吧!急急急。。。。。。。。。。。。。 一根绳子剪成两段,第一根5分之3米,第2根占全长的5分之3,哪个长 These pictures will show you__.A.what does our hometown look like B.what our hometown looks likeC.how does our hometown look like D.how our hometown looks like These photograph will show you ______.A.what our villiage looks like B,how our village looks like请回答者详细解说二者区别, These are (our) pictures .( 对括号部分提问) 直角三角形全等的判定定理有哪4个? These shoes are too big,please show me a smaller__.为什么用pair?别只说个答案,给个理由啦.不可以用ones来代替呀?选项有one,ones,pair,好纠结额。老师讲题的时候说前面出现的名词后面用代词来代替,shoes These shoes are too smaller for me ,show me another -------- A.pair B.one C.ones 为什么 dying in the sun 这首歌的中文歌词无意听了这首歌,很喜欢.可不懂,想知道唱的是什么 I don‘t like these shoes.please show me可以用 another ones? 谁能帮我分析一下Dying In The Sun 这首歌?歌词如下:Dying In The Sun Do you remember The things we used to say?I feel so nervous When I think of yesterday How could I let things Get to me so bad?How did I let things get to me?Like dying dying in the sun.我想要这首歌的中文 .