
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 15:49:14
网络爱情可靠吗?拜托了各位 谢谢 绝句二首(其二) 杜甫 江碧鸟逾白,山青花欲燃.今春看又过,何日是归年?逾的意思?燃的意思?是写什么时候的?理由是什么? 想知道新概念出来的作家的作品.详细点!就是郭敬明他们这一类的作家. 新概念2的故事真实吗?···估计是假的的········· Jim thinks this book is ______ (help) to us. What the hell am I doing here? what do you see where the white lines cross的意思 we should look ___ and ____when we cross the street the book is interesting.lt is helpful .= the book is ____ _____ interesting ____ ___ helpful 翻译 I often ask myself that what is the hell am I doing 参加两会的都是什么人?我说的是县级别的人大和政协会议.除了人大领导和政协领导外还有谁?除了这些人外,有没有其他非人大代表或政协委员的人可以列席参加,比如县直部门的领导(非人 两会 用英语怎么说正在召开的两会名称用英语怎么说? 谁知道"两会"的英语怎么说? 两会英语怎么说? “小李工作很认真”在句型上 是主谓句中的什么句 急求15篇250字的报纸读后感,什么报纸都行【除了英文报纸】其实我看了很多报纸了,但是怎么也写不出15篇250字的读后感,请各位搜到了以后复制上来或者传给我.Q:1148853112scc317,你这是抄的, the glass star的翻译, 跪求“The Glass Star”翻译答案.急、急、急! 英语翻译回答也帮偶想下好不? 英语翻译Etics refer to those processes that are consistent across different cultures,that is,etics refer to universal psychological processes.Emic refer to those processes that are different across cultures; emics,therefore,refer it culture-speci 桌子上垫报纸吃饭好吗?吃饭时桌子上垫个报纸是为了方便,这样对健康有什么影响吗? 为什么凤凰台节目的桌子都铺上报纸 否定回答,书桌上没有报纸怎么说 选择句子,完成对话Jean:Hello!6705279.Mandy:Hello!_______________________ Jean:Sorry.Jim isn't in.She's at a dancing party.____________ Mandy:Of course.___________________________ Jean:Sure!__________________________ Mandy:Mandy Jean:__________ 求wanna、gonna的详细用法词性、用法、句型、例句、谢了 ight前面加上辅音字母,构成新的单词 ook前面加上辅音字母,构成新的单词 ind前面加上辅音字母,构成新的单词都要8个 快啊, 在字母组合前加上一个辅音,构成新的单词.写出单词和汉语.(四个)all,ight,ind Here ____pencils and a book on the desk.a.is b.are c.am d.be2.这里————(come)a bus. 1 .Li Tao is a tall boy .He has big eyes 合并为一句2 .The book on the desk is here?(对here提问)3 .. 改错:She didn't say anything to me and simply opened it up and smiled.My mon was really pride of what I had done.改错题,我看了半天,就这两句话,也看不出有什么错的地方, she didn't do anything_____say a word是填but 还是填and she is gonna be ok不是有两个动词吗?这个be是不是to be 所以能这样is be 不是两个动词?