
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 02:52:27
You have a bad cold,you_______drink a lot of water and stay in bed填什么四选一A.wantB.beedC.want to D.need to 脂溶性茶多酚的功用有哪些? ATP和GTP都可以为细胞供能,但细胞有时候利用ATP,有时候却用GTP,二者有何区别和联系? GTP与ATP有什么区别? ATP和GTP是什么关系?求详解. 求好听的经典英文歌曲.像是no matter what ,marry you ,you raise me up等等 有首男英文歌 高潮高音是" i say would you marry me,would you marry me" 她经常穿那条裙子 的英语,翻译. 1+2=3,2+1=3.如果我爱你是不是等于你爱我啊?“ There are many animals and vegetable in it 这是什么地方 用你爱我的方式去爱你阅读答案(1)作者用什么情感来写本文?(2)本文主要写了两件什么事?(3)请你列举文章中一例描写的句子,并说说句子表达了怎样的情感.(4)品析文中画线句“我 There are many w( )animals in the j( )首字母填空, 谁有Linkin Park林肯公园<Runaway>的歌词 最好有中文的 八年级上册英语PEP7~12单元黑体单词首字母填词练习是所有黑体单词! 我爱你,你爱我吗 我爱你,那么你爱我么. how many teeth does your little sisiter have now?用过去式,加时间词语改写 does peter live in room five,building eight?用过去式,加时间词语改写 英语辩论Man has made more contribution to society than woman!找点论据,给点句型,词汇,我是正方。 求英语辩论稿men have made more contributions to the society than women 辩论:women contribute more to society than men急 200个单词左右 英语必修一到必修五黑体单词百度文库上不去了,求大神们下载下来发到biergaizhang@ 126. 求人教版高二英语必修5的黑体单词..把书拍下发过来也行... 英语必修5第一单元黑体单词 sending E-mail is more and more p____ among students 高一必修一英语黑体单词人教版 求求求求了! Recently farming online is becoming more and more popular among Internet-users.里的more and more 换成比较好 哪些名词单复数相同越多越好 The animals are s____ here,because people here love them because of the pollution,some rare animals_____(消失)very quickly 灰的英文,光要灰,不要灰色, I will miss you every single day. 这个是什么意识