
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/12 22:46:35
英语翻译这不是我的书翻译成英文的 You will be working.的否定句和疑问句 英语翻译这样翻译对吗?你们有更好的译法吗? I believe working hard will finally be prepared said 后面用will 还是wouldhe said he (will/would?). 1:People k___ a dog for its meat1:People k___ a dog for its meat yesterday2:It's s___ outside .Let's make snowmen after it stops3:Could you please take a ____ for him 麻烦翻译一个句子 They should both chow down on puppy chow Killy Chow翻译中文 渺渺钟声出远方,依依林影万鸦藏.一生负气成今日,四海无人对夕阳.猜一动物 吟到恩仇心事涌,江湖侠骨已无多.一生负气成今日,四海无人对斜阳 这首诗的出处,意思吟到恩仇心事涌,江湖侠骨已无多.一生负气成今日,四海无人对斜阳 这首诗的出处,意思 引用“一时负气争今日,四海无人对夕阳”是什么意思 一时负气成今日 四海无人对夕阳是什么意思 answer可数吗? answer可数还是不可数 the river ___to the east.it is the second largest接下去看river in the country里面的空格应该填run 还是 runs 说出理由 What will we see in Guilin what wlii we see in Guilin what will we see when we ground 交朋友时要诚实吗? We will get to the moon by spaceship.对We怎么提问 by putting a camera on board the spaceship to the moon 翻译 英语句型转换wen go to school by bus,对by bus进行提问怎么转换 明朝有谁是仁君 中国十大明茶是哪些? 快,急用.. 在云南布政使、按察使、都指挥使跟沐王府怎么分权? 翻译任贤使能,将相莫非其人,恭俭节用,天下几至刑措 fils de 是什么语 照样子写话:善于“打破沙锅问到底”的人,却从中有所发现,有所发明,有所创造,有所成就. 什么动物发明了什么写一段话!快 用有所发现,有所发明,有所创造,有所成就这种写法写一句句子. She had much fun ___(go) shopping用所给词的适当形式填空