
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 06:17:29
英语翻译Hello,everybody.My name is...I am ...years old.I am kind and friendly.I like playing computer games and table tennis.And I am interested in collecting stams,too.I am a hard-working student so I can always get good grates.I am good at Engl — I wonder if I ____ smoke here.— No,you _______.Could you see the sign “No Smoking” there?— I wonder if I ____ smoke here.— No,you _______.Could you see the sign “No Smoking” there?选项:a、can,needn’t b、shall,won’t c、must, people all over the world eat ricePeople all over the world eat rice.Millions of people in Asia,Africa and South America eat itevery day of their lives.Some people eat almost nothing but rice.Rice is a kind of grass.There are more than 7000 kinds of 吸血鬼日记适合学英语吗?或者老友记更好些? 吸血鬼日记里的经典台词,带英语哒~有木有 吸血鬼日记第一季mp3还有吗 学英语用, 英语翻译挖红薯拾柴火野炊点火煮面条 有一渔翁在钓鱼,别人问他你钓了几条,他说:钓了9个头6个尾8个半截,请问他钓了多少鱼? 有两渔夫钓鱼,一人钓了5条另一人钓4条,他们要吃鱼,路过的人也想吃鱼,渔夫答应了,他们三个一同吃起有两个渔夫在河边钓鱼,每人吃了3条鱼,吃完路过人给他们9.6元.你们帮帮两位渔夫算一算, 一个渔夫出海钓鱼,晚上回家,妻子问他钓了多少鱼?渔夫答妻子:'六条无头,九条无尾,八条只得一半.'渔夫总共钓到多少条鱼?提示:这一道题玩数字,并不是真的要计算 有两渔夫钓鱼,一人钓了5条另一人钓4条,他们要吃鱼,路过的人也想吃鱼,两个渔翁同意了.于是一人吃了3条过路人给了2.7元最为回报,两渔夫怎样分配才合理 They made the girl cry中cry是不是补语 有没有They were worried about the girl sad 含7种颜色的不同英语短语中文翻译 下面几个关于色彩的英文短语1.a white night 2.a white elephant 3.a white crow 4.the White House 5.a white lie 6.white flag7.black sheep8.black tea9.black coffee10.black Dog11.black gold12.green hand13.green tea14.blue day15.blue collar16.b 把...漆成...颜色 英语用什么词组 23.He hurried to the booking office only_____that all the tickets had been sold out.选项A.to tell B.to be toldC.telling D.told答案是那个,做什么状语?怎么解释谢谢高手高高瘦 Will you please show me the way to the only tall building _______ stands near the post office?A. 不填 B. in which C. that D. where 选哪个啊,不会 美语"我知道了"怎么说 在对讲机里的大片里常说的 在对讲机里的大片里常说的美语"我知道了"怎么说 在对讲机里的大片里常说的 美语怎么说053讲:大片 选择 What he said made us ____.A.laugh B.laughing What he said made us laugh.said和made在句子中做什么成分?said修饰什么? It was not what he said but the way ____ he said it that made all the people laugh.A.in whichB.which\x05C.how\x05D.in that about 184 million people live in the country,thus __it a most populated country in yhe worldA to makeBhaving madeCmakesDmaking答案是D为什么. people live in the city and the country. how many days are there in a week?的答句是什么 英语翻译要百分百正确! How many days are there in a week?的中文意思是什么? 英语翻译本人性格稳重,工作严谨踏实,待人真诚,拥有积极向上的生活态度和广泛的兴趣爱好.有着良好的交际组织协调能力.工作三年多,在待人接物上有着自己独到的见解与理念,因长期与客户 P____ Shenzhen from all over the c_____ .根据首字母完成句子 英语翻译没有钓到.他去卖鱼的地方买了一天鱼,回到河边把鱼挂在了鱼钩上,又放到了河水里,接着假装自己钓到大鱼了,很高兴的把鱼杆甩出水面.”