
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/07 03:27:36
you don't like this hair style.I don't like it,___ 是选择neither 还是either 1,she used to talk aloud 2,he used to be tall 写出他们反意的疑问句、否定句和一般疑问句. 用一段(5句)英文介绍自己(比如名字、年龄、爱好、喜欢的东西、颜色)最好有翻译,好让我知道什么意思. If you study more,you will fell more interested __,__you study ,___,___ ___ you will fell 的同义句 if you do sleep well at night,you will fell( )(sleep)the next day 4.4+〔(负0.1)+八又三分之一+(负十一又三分之二)〕+一又三分之一 周末想多睡会用sleep late 还是sleep more ,为什么? 还能再教我一道吗 (-0.1)-(负8又三分之一)-(正11又三分之二)-(负4.4) 计算 关于neither的选择题:I don't like neither swimming ______ running.A.or B.and 养鸡场养的母鸡比公鸡多1/3,母鸡有2240只.公鸡有多少只 帮忙取个忧郁的英文名名字里有个飞,请各位帮忙取个忧郁点的英文名,.注明意思.. 初一数学(八分之七)^3÷(七分之八)^-3+(负二分之三)^2÷(三分之二)^-3-(三分之一-1)^0+3^-1 得数是1, she needs __alot of rest (have)填什么,为什么 一又三分之一乘八分之五加二又七分之二 一食或尽粟一石一食的食我知道是读 si,但是如果单个字解释、那是什么?刚才错了、是读shi 那,单字解释可不可以是、顿? 一食或尽粟一石的尽的意思且欲与常马等不可得的等不知其能千里而食也的食 《马说》里面的“一食或尽粟一石”的“尽”字意思 I hope you will be better.Have a good rest and drink much water!Ha一个陌生手机发给我的短信 shall we have some seafood in a restaurant?同义句两种~____ ____we have some seafood in a restaurant?____ ____have some seafood in a restaurant? 应该画那种统计图,折线,还是条形统计图 李叔叔出差5天,这5天的和是145,李叔叔是几月几日离家的?几日回家的? 判断题 李叔叔做生意共得了500元,其中100元是利润,他的利润率是25% ( ) 有蜘蛛,蜻蜓,蝉三种昆虫共21只,共有138条腿,23对翅膀.三种昆虫共多少只?最好假设. 养鸡场有鸡1200只,其中母鸡比公鸡多100只,母鸡和公鸡分别是多少只? There aren't any milk in the cup.改错RT 某运动员百米跑的成绩是12s,他的速度是 km/h,这个运动员在连续1小时内跑的路程 (大于/等于/小于/)30km 将下面几个特殊疑问句,改写成宾语从句.1.Where have you been?She wants to know________2.How did you get home?Please write a letter to tell me ____________3.What do you call these flowers?I wonder ___ 一食或尽粟一石 食的意思 你好!请问一食或尽粟一石的或字是什么意思?谢谢! 用所给词的适当形式填空:There__(be)some juice in bottle.There__(be) five bottles of juice. 改下列句子为陈述否定句(每空一词)They's some juice in the bottle.There ( ) ( )juice in the bottle.There're some trees near the house .There ( ) ( )trees near the house.She's going to the park.She ( ) ( )to the park.David and Tom are story的音标是什么?来回答