
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 01:13:38
Please let me join your teamHi,It's my pleasure to say hello to you.I'm a girl,an IC engineer,and also an English fan.would you please let me join your team? 什么鱼在危险的时候会成群结队的 为什么红比拉鱼被称为“危险动物” 打雷天电鱼危险吗 带泪的鱼好听的歌曲? The news reporters hurried to the airport,only ______ the film stars had left.选项:a、to tell b、 to be told c、 telling d、 told The news reporters hurried to the airport, only _____ the film stars had left. A. to tell B. to be told C. telling D. told 答案为什么是B,请讲解 The new reporters hurried to the airport.Only___the film stars had left.A to tell B to be told C told D telling 有人选B 但我不解,B选项不是表示“将要被”吗? 我觉得应该选C The news reporters hurried to the airport ,only ____the film stars in the USA.A.to tell.B.to be told.C.telling.D.told为什么选B啊?求详解, 收到一封外国邮件,看不懂帮忙翻译一下Hello I'm Mis Tuma Ahoussou, how are you! hope you are fine andHelloI'm Mis Tuma Ahoussou, how are you! hope you are fine and in perfect condition of health.I went through your profile and i read it My brother ___(join) the army when he ___ (be) 20 and he ____(be) in it for 5 years What time___she_____(get)up in the morning?理由 选词填空.Who What Where How Whose 1、__is Betty I think she's at home. what for 的答语用什么?because...还是for...what for 不是等于 why because 和 for的区别? 如果我离开了,你们就会高兴那再见 英语怎么翻译 如何巧煮速冻饺子,是饺子皮不破? 怎样煮速冻饺子不破皮? 求秦观的所有词 请问谁有秦观的词?叫做《江城子》很感谢第一个回答的网友,但是。我只要简简单单的一首词就好了。 求秦观的词. 英语翻译刚刚居然有人只译了歌名...我要整首的..不要机译. 一位哲人说过 ;无论做什么事情,你的态度决定你的高度.你是怎样理解这位哲人的话的呢RT 在《永远坐在前排》中,你对“无论在什么事情,你的态度决定你的高度”这句话的理解是什么? 十全十美的反义词,三个 人为的调节 英语怎么说?用形容词+名词表示 帮忙找几首秦观的词 十全十美的近义词和反义词各三个 十全十美的近义词--------、--------、--------反义词又是什么--------、--------、-------- 十全十美的近义词和反义词 态度决定高度作文怎么写啊``大家把好的介意说一下```谢谢拉 中小学语文古诗词教学中如何渗透审美教育