
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/28 01:43:04
astronauts float in space because there is no ( )a airb gravityc weatherd food some astronauts must travel through the space to repair the telescope改错 How will astronauts travel to space翻译 I have a bike.(改为否定句) I have a new bike.中什么是及物动词? 英语翻译如题 英语翻译地狱原来是17层的。 相逢莫问人间事,故国伤心只泪流什么意思 亦或泪欲流什么意思 泪流`是什么意思`~? 八百孤寒齐下泪一时回首望崖州是什么意思 眼泪流的方向代表这什么含义 How many points have you got的翻译 points you have got many how重新排列顺序 How many points have you got in English是什么意思 翻译《哀溺文序》 求英语造句帝进请各位神人用l u c y这四个英文组成一个句子.要求:每个字母都是一个词的开头,且不调换四个字母的先后顺序,并保持句子的通顺 英语帝进、求造句、!beroe和after造句、例句:He had his lunch after he had had a cup of tea.He had his lunch after he having had a cup of teaHe had had a cup of tea before he had his lunchHe had had a cup of tea before having lunch Is he getting on well with his friends this term ?为什么用IS而不用DOES呢? I wonder (that what if) he is getting along well with his friends 填哪个 英语造句 不懂别进of,the Pop,Singer,the Year Award,have,do,the winner,not,of,long hair What do the people there do in spring? 回想“当年”陆游,想到那些情景?此刻,他最牵挂的是什么事?“泪空流”中的空是什么意思? 陆游的诉衷情里的“泪空流”的 空 陆游的中,他想到当年的哪些情景 女英文名Zoe Vanessa Jasmine Cynthia分别适合什么样的女子?给你的感觉如何?请说明下.如果是你,你会选哪个名字,为什么?也请说明.如果你有更好的名字,谢绝脱离主题的回答。 9上英语阅读理解When the teacher asks a question in class,Wang Xiaobin never raises his hand.The 15-year-old Beijinger always waits for other classmates or the teacher to give the answer."What if answer is wrong?" Wang said.Wang is typical amon 英语四级听力训练方法 有木有,我怎么提高呢? Yolanda Vanessa Carina 哪个英文名更好啊?Carina我觉得读久了有点饶舌啊,听起来很可爱,但是写出来不好看Vanessa我觉得读起来不顺口,但是很喜欢这个发音,就是意思俗了点,是蝴蝶Yolanda意思很好,但 我想在以下几个里选个当英文名 yolanda ,vanessa ,Olivia ,scarlett 哪个好些?要有个性大家给我点建议最好适合出国用的 如何有效的提高英语的口语与语法知识喜欢上英语 基础很差 以前没好好学 现在到是很有兴趣了~ 英语教学什么为重?语法还是口语?